EE Tactics?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIl-SlyTheRaccoon-llIlIIl, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. I'm not to sure about EE as I've never done one.

    Wouldn't it be easier for (player 1 will be noob, player 2 is nub) nub to strip noob since noob will have gold out then?

    Is it easiest to just full mith and try to muscle your way through the towers, adp/sdp, ally bonus'?

    Can someone explain EE and EE tactics to me? I want to learn how but I've never done it and it wouldn't be wise to walk in like a badass when I don't know what to do.

    Thanks to those that help!
  2. Cannot really say there are tactics like that. In a any good EE clan the war commander will assign people targets to hit during the war. From there they will explain what to do.
  3. With high attack defense, you assass. With high spy def, you scout. With low attack defense, you attack and scout.
  4. And yes op, you can strip, but it has grave repercussions , if bfa changes too much during war, your clan can be penalized for too much increase, would have to strip from outside. The one doing the stripping would have to answer to a clan that had massive bfa drop due to strip as soon as war was over. In general ee war time strip is avoided. There are better tactics.
  5. Use pots, Mith, and hope you have a good clan. Nuff said.
  6. @TrueBlade: what about the ally that got stripped was caught in a circle of banks?
  7. Then it would soon be a very overpriced ally!
  8. But the player who was stripped wouldn't know who to hit. Therefore causing a win for the other clan. The wrong hit could lead to an OSW with someone like a clan of EE people wouldn't want. An OSW would cease all EE-Ing.

    EE clan hit OSW clan
    EE OSW = No EE
    OSW Clan win
  9. Cease all EE-Ing for that clan
  10. Strips are traceable, but that is an osw tactic. Ee wars happen to fast and as stated too much bfa increase in your clan can be penalized and all winnings removed, I habit heard of it happening but KAW admin posted it in many threads .
  11. Habit = haven't ( stupid iPod operator)
  12. The player who was stripped would probably have you in ca after war :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Yeah ! What unknown said, lots faster than I!!!
  14. Outside Stripper. I'm going to use clans and people min this that is NOT true.

    Rising Hawks vs DS, for instance

    DS volleys gold to MrBiscuit so he can pull a strip on RH M-A (Most-Active) hitter.

    MrB (Member of ZAFT[Not true]) strips RH's M-A. Ally gets caught in circle of banks with an unknown DS bank buying in the end.

    DS pulls a successful strip on that member increasing their plunder by (X) billion.

    RH's M-A sees MrB's name but another person has the ally hired. He thinks okay someone hired of ally list, no big deal.

    M-A wouldn't hit MrB cause MrB is in an OSW clan.

    *Note: Each Clan and Person in this mental visual is not true! These facts are not true!*
  15. Lol... 
  16. People don't strip in EE wars. U dont gain anything from a strip. Only thing stripping a ally would be from a hansel so they had gold out for attack builds to hit. Otherwise, u don't gain anything more than you normally do, the person with gold old loses more, depending on how much gold isn't banked. Anyone who thinks differently doesn't have a clear understanding. Strips are for OSW to take others gold that's all.
  17. Lol u guys got way off topic. I can't believe no one mention this. Self ko. Always self ko. If opponent ko u you lose more n they loot ur earnings. Other tactics depend on situation n opponent. I suggest u join a ee clan to start learning 
  18. OP has been told that kov. Jus get into an EE war clan and then u learn.
  19. Everything is planned after opponent is known based on their builds and yours. Tactics change depending if u are ahead or behind.

    Can't explain EE war tactics fully in a forum post. Too many variables.