EE Strategies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Nicksterox, May 23, 2013.

  1. Well this is my first forum post so please don't be to harsh.
    So I've been around to a few EE clans some of you may know, some you may not know these include:
    Angels E
    La Resistance
    Nights Watch of Sentinel Stand
    Kos 2.0
    Casuals of War
    We're Screwed
    GHC Syndicate

    While at these clans I've witnessed several different start strategies to take initial control,while some have worked and some have failed horribly, different xtals set ups such
  2. Reserved stupid phone posted early
  3. Fail forum post ! My point was I was curious was strategies do you all like more than others!
  4. what is the point of this thread?
  5. Right above you my phone turned off and posted it to early sucks :(
  6. 
  7. Lol lets all give away ee strategies, I see your point but this thread will fail, trust me all mine always do
  8. Another promising thread bites the dust
  9. Not meant to give away exact strategies but let's be completely honest most are the same....everyone has xtal groups, major targets, etc
  10. Not all strategies do, and some are meant to keep control, not recover.
  11. I hate ee wars the losers always kill me :(
  12. I personally enjoy the strategy of taking the time to split the clan into deviously clever xtal teams based on build, size, and timing to fit into a master plan created after an hour of researching the enemy clan, only to find that half the clan doesnt show to war meeting, and cant read when they do arrive to clog cc with questions such as; "what team am i" , "what target do i hit" , "what is mith" and the like.

    I always enjoy topping that off with walling and threatening the four inactives at the bottom of the roster, who nobody seems to know even though its an 'invite only' clan, and doing so knowing that they probably wouldnt do any good anyway. All this while the ones who didnt show to the war meeting complain about the whole thing being 'disorganized'.
  13. @gotcha... well said lol
  14. Hate to break it to you, but you probably need a new clan gotcha :lol:
  15. Gotcha, you've just won the game...

    causing everyone else to lose it after reading my post.
  16. Ok well first I go to Burger King top it off with some jimboys tacos (hmmmm wonder what they have there) then I get around to eating the food the next day ( by this point the war is ending) then I xstal pointlessly and I make a fake my own death thread
  17. ...Then when we are about to lose...
  18. I use my awesomeness to blind the opponents
  19. Giving away strategies would not be smart