EE season 2 will be impossible for new players 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TAN-BIKER-GRA, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. I see what the devs are trying to do based on how they released the equipment for EE season 1. They gave most everyone who participated a few pieces of fantastic equipment. That's fine. They figure that the highest 3 levels of rancor will get junk equipment to hedge against inflation of rancor equipment. Being one that reached 50, I just say "oh well, warring was still fun".

    The big problem now is that come season two, there will be about 10-20 clans that will only take in people that have mace, greaves and pauldrons (plenty of people now to choose from). This will create an environment for players of same stats with normal EB equip being left in the dust!

    Whose going to take in a 8m attack build that only has a 40m BFE attack??? Who wants a 5m hansel build that doesn't have mace??? Certainly none of the top 20 clans!!!

    Long story short, the only people that are worth taking in EE wars are those did season 1 and got at least the first 2-3 equips. All others will be sent packin!
  2. 's true
  3. Black Army will be participating in season 2, we won't be looking for minimum equipment holdings but spy def will be essential!

    Feel free to join us!
  4. War skill is not determined by BFE. At max level, rancor has 10-15% higher stats than RP equips. Top war clans will potentially accept an ideal war build with low BFE to get him mith, to make him a damn tank. Anyone disagree?
  5. Also, circulus vitiosus will be participating in season 2 again. And for the record, i warred most of season one, got to level 30 rancor, and then it ran out.
  6. Good point asthma.

    Something we're going to see in season 2, Is new players having a tough time getting into a decent clan.

    Even with the right build, If I choose to build up, I'd have trouble when it comes to BFE.
  7. The devs are likely going to change war mechanics for season 2. BFE could be part of the matchmaking process going forward. Might not be the show stopper you think it is.
  8. I wouldn't be so quick to say so...
  9. ^ was directed at OP
  10. I don't agree. It's almost assured that the devs wil consider bfe in matching for season two, so top clans will balance their rosters as they have always done. Like high bfa, high bfe players may have some difficulty finding a good war clan.
  11. Not true at all - EB tier 7 and 8 items are really good when fully enchanted - more than enough to be competitive in EE
  12. Besides - I thought there was going to be more EE trials 1st? That will give ppl opportunity to war and make some mith and buy some red Pali items too ... Less complaining, more warring
  13. op, I disagree, so not true! RP eq are not far behing from VP eq. War clans would care more about build, rp equip or good eb equip.
  14. Why we have yet another thread complaining about BFE? Oh well here we go..99% of EE "warriors" didn't start out with 350mill cs BFE..they sacrificed builds.. spent $$ and invested loads of time to acquire it...some were 10mill cs + Hansels now barely 1mill cs guild Hansels.. or were 12millcs attack builds who got 40mill per hit now 6mill tower builds getting 12mill per hit...we didn't cry asking for handouts we rolled up our sleeves and did the dirty we are being called bullies and snobs ..why would we want EB fairies who flooded the last week of wars to ride our trains to easy rancor points? The devs will tweak mechanics of the system but don't hold your breath on them dropping the power of our equipment just because the lazy folks want a "fair" match..our builds are entering a 3rd season of war.. we have overcome obstacles before we will adapt to whatever the devs give us to succeed..all this complaining will not make much of a difference as the true warriors don't care we will adapt to new rules and run thru whomever gets in our way
  15. I hear all these people laying down the excuses now. BFE not fair, BfA calculations not fair. War clans will not let new players I. Etc. Well that is all just crap. If u want to war np. Put the work in. Step 1. Do EBs that drop new equip. Get it and enchant it. 2.Start changing you build for war. Suck up the plunder loss and throw some twrs up. 3. Join a war clan or start one. Be prepared. 2 xtals plus Mith and full pots every hit. You should target min 70-100 successful actions per war. ( this means you must choose your targets for successful actions.). 4. Be prepared. ( spreadsheet before war listing opponents by name clan rank stats build type) Assign targets /xtal teams from start. 5. Ask questions. Offer help. Be prepared to learn how to track/ WC etc.
    If you do all of these things you will have a fun season. You may not win all but you will be in the game.
    So suck it up princess. Stop your whining. Nothing here is given to you. Be prepared to dedicate time money and effort.
    Have fun enjoy and good luck on the upcoming season.
  16. **stands up and applause **
  17. Also if u are serious about warring pm me. I will help u get prepared and we might just make a spot for some of u at TAKA. There no excuses now.
  18. "I was failing on targets" is not an excuse for low actions. Lol 
  19. Kudos FreeFly. Well said. I didn't get into a good war clan until the end. I'm not bitter, I'll just try harder next season