EE season 1 a Dev's FAILURE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MaG-Deadpool-iC, May 22, 2013.

  1. Kreuzritter has a good habbit of not posting in forum. But after almost 8 weeks of EE wars there are some things that need to be said. Especially to our "dear" developers of this game.

    Kreuzritter has been participating in EE wars from the early days on. We have participated in almost all wars. Had some great wins and had our fair share of losses too. But we all love the EE wars and we have always fought fair.

    So what did we encounter in these weeks? A lot has already been posted about the matchup algoritm. I can state for a fact that its often unfair. We have had so many unfair matchups that I have no doubt in my mind that the matchup algoritm is a joke. During the whole season about 70% (!!) of our matchups have been against the same 5 clans, most of them against (sub)clans of RCA and Warlor. Just a simple look at our results will prove me right. One example: our match up yesterday against one of the warlor subs (week 8 war 2). They were ranked higher, had 3 accounts more and had 2 ally lb accounts in while we had none. How can that b a fair match??? I am almost sure that the algoritm does not take BFA in account. At least not in the way it should be.

    Furthermore we have been up against guild hanselclans. This is in my eyes the biggest exploit of this EE season. All who fought against them know what Im talking about. And im not blaming these clans. They used the system smart. But in my opinion this is an exploit and not in the spirit of these EE wars. The Devs willingly decided not to do anything against this. Why not? Thats the question that they should answer. They apparantly decided to give a few clans a free ride to rancor level 50.

    What more was there? There were the barcode clans, the long username clans, the enormous bfa changes after matchup etc etc. I wont even spend words to that. I only want to state that thats not the way Kreuzritter wants to or will fight.

    Conclusion after 8 weeks: we (still, god knows why...) love the EE wars. It brought new energy in KaW and for that the Devs receive our appreciation. But after 8 weeks of fair fighting I can only conclude that the Devs failed to make season 1 a success and all they have accomplished is to destroy this new energy in a lot of clans that were willing to participate in the EE wars.

    And dear Devs: not even once (!) responding to feedback is an insult to your paying customers. Its not the way a serious company should operate in my opinion.

    To my team: Im proud of all we accomplished these 8 weeks and it was an honor to fight beside you all!

    Let the trolling begin 

     Ҝཞミʋʓཞi₮₮عཞ 
  2.  Dami 
  3. Totally agree ✅✅
  4. Well said Dami
  5. Honest post
  6. Support and respect for you and your clan mate.... 
  7. I read the entire post and I appreciate your optimistic input (1 part critique and 1 part feedback). I agree with your sentiment. The Estoc system has some flaws but I admire the attempts that the devs are making.
  8. I love he ee wars too but they really are an epic failure at times :roll:
  9. Gh isn't an exploit it a strat nd most gh clans vs gh clans such as pa sotra and sub and ghc and all. Them face each other. But I say the unfair matches like outnumbering by 3 and I say some reason sotra always face stronger clans more cs and bfa but fight to the end lol
    Barcodes also I don't like I was silly u
    Enough to get those long bc then went back to drunken lol

    Nothing will happen to gh or barcodes as it a strategy tht works well and now gh have towers 1mil static spy defence lol

    This may not sound right I've had a few drinks lol
  10. The problem is people trying to get a perfect match up in both stats and skill
    No system will get a perfect match.
  11. Well written Dami.
    Week 8 war 2, even our opponent told us after match up that this was unfair. And we had many unfair match ups before ... Many..

    I totally support EE wars. They fun and exciting ... But this silly match ups really destroys a lot of fun. And I know for sure there where clans falling apart coz of this kind of bad match ups..

    I'm proud on Kreuzritter to have such a great team spirit. And I'm hopeful that devs will improve things for season 2.

    I hope Kaw give something to the clans that joined and participated in season 1 and really tried to make the EE trials work. 

  12. Barcodes are easily traced on the computer and ghs are easily taken out by a tower build with 1mill spy attack, or a spy heavy hybrid or another guild hansel. They're more of an exploit in the fact that they have a seriously epic mith payout. I got 110 for 1.9bill plunder score
  13. But I don't like that this account xtals full mith can't get in a medio core when:
    My GH bank 6 mith no xtals canget in a better clan
  14. That's a bit riddiculous :roll: maybe if you out up a troop building mate
  15. Damich, you couldn't have said it any better
  16. Well written

  17. Well said dami and I agree fully  I wish you all the best for your remaining wars
  18. Yes dami!!! Full support
  19. bad devs!
  20. nice thread and respect to war opponent 