EE S3 War Times

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllI-Southern_Cross-Illlll, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Hey all this is a thread for kaw_community to see.

    I myself am really unhappy with these war times, what happened to The War Down Under? these wars are starting at 2am 7am 10am and 2pm for me.

    I know alot of other people in this boat, please post your support for MORE war times, i know these wars suit many so im sudjesting MORE times not just adjust what we have.

    leave your support below, if you dont leave your reason why.

  2. I think there should be daily 10pm est wars. By far their most popular time
  3. Legen, completely agree with that, that's the only time I can do with school and sports... SC, I also agree with you that it's unfair, and maybe not changing the times as much as adding them, this season is too short...
  4. yeah add more times, i can only do 3-4 wars the whole scheduele they realesed
  5. I cannot war during the week unless I get up at 2 am, surely a couple of the down under wars wouldn't be too hard to fit in 
  6. The chaos war times were ok. Y did they change em?
  7. i couldnt agree more frog, and why they chamged the times i have no clue
  8. Coz they dont give a ___ about asians ! no matter so many asians play and pay for this game !
  9. bad color to use :lol:
  10. The gmt times suck too half the clans are asleep. Or we r sleeping or at work. More times is a good idea there's been enough comments on this over the chaos wars devs should do something about it
  11. Support. As always.

    When they started the down under wars...they did too many and upped the clan size quickly. Result...not enough participating clans per war...mismatches and no matches.

    It should be only a couple of times per week and small clan sizes and that will make it viable imho.

    Good post op.
  12. Support OP. Hopefully you will get a response. I've been waiting since Saturday for a reply :/
  13. Why did they squeeze 4 wars into a 12 hour period, then nothing for the next 12 hours?
  14. Support ️
  15. these wars are similiar to S2 for me, i think they based the times around that
  16. The 11pm gmt wars are pretty good IMO
  17. Sorry OP. Looks like I'll be bumping this thread to find out why we can't get a war for Aus and Asia. Seems I can't post on the season 3 threads anymore and my questions went unanswered.
  18. In response to the Wars Down Under, when these were introduced it was with the caveat that should turnout not be high enough to ensure an acceptable match to no match ratio they may be removed. In this case, based on the results during the Chaos Wars we've had to exclude this time from Season 3.
  19. Would an internal hit ratio fix that? As every clan would match on hit ratio, only thing to take into account would be if there are no other clans in your CS range 