EE Proposal

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Assasin_for_Hire, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Ha ! Gotcha ! You thought i was going to complain about the EE match ups , lags or something like that.
    It's just something that i think needs to be addressed :)

    Here it is

    As you see i get knocked out by a failed hit and they get rewarded for FAILING on me. This is not right, a failed attack on a player that leads them to get KO shouldn't be the same as a successful attack KO.

    If knocked out by a fail it wouldn't count as a successful attack KO. It would count as if the player that got attacked to have Self KOed.

    P.S. i am tired so if there any grammatical mistake i apologize.

    Thanks for the read :)
  2. Nah, if they reduce your troops to 0, they reduce them to 0. It doesn't matter how. It's called teamwork.
  3. First, and support 
  4. Even failing should warrant a reward... As his burning your pots AND ko'ing you...
  5. Then get more pots, and/or keep spies above 50-60% at all times, but I don't really know, never done ee lol.
  6. It's a competitive war. It's hard to keep high troops. Even if i had a lot of troops they would keep failing until i got KOed or if i luckily SKOed.
  7. thats crazy… yea ee needs work done but its still fun! :)
  8. Again, even though he, the ko'er is failing against you, the person that is getting ko'd, he is burning your pots, and killing sneaky spies. That's helping your clan, as it's doing two things...
  9. This is just ********
  10. So a 200k CS can fail all his troops on me and get a nice load of plunder ? Not logical.
  11. Well... Mith up, pot up, grow, use other mechanics, ect. Or, better yet, Pin them FIRST!!!! It's all you can do, I'm afraid.
  12. Also, they are going though the same thing!, and, well, so is everyone else who does ee wars...
  13. You haven't warred therefore you have no experience
  14. I said I haven't EE'd before, :lol: but I HAVE warred before... In osw's, sw (hate sw, evil things...) I just haven't EE'd, because I don't care for them... :lol:
  15. This required skill ? Lawl

  16. Are you saying I've never warred before? I'd beat your sorry ass to Chinatown! :lol: