ee prep

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by judgement_guilty, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Hello forum my first thread please be easy on me.

    I have been doing ee for a short time and notice what type of time and effort really goes into preparing for war,for instance finding clans that are casting.going thru rosters.checking adt.sdt and so on.

    Prep time consumes a big part of your time and maybe the devs could fix it where there could be a tab just for people who are casting making and that same tab could list all clans who war.

    I open this up for discussion thx forum
  2. Won't happen :lol:
  3. Good idea but won't happen bud . 
  4. Not a bad idea but will bring a lot of hate comments. It is one of the fun/difficult purposes of clan wars to not know who all is warring to implement the element of surprise
  5. You Talk about war

    You have Top 500 eb leaderboard achieve

    Your argument is invalid
  6. Plz reread b4 you comment on the thread i was not talking about osw the conversation is geared towards ppl doing ee wars.thx
  7. Fun fact, most people who did the pvp path didnt war because SUPRISE most actions in wars arent plunder actions granting favors lol so most warriors i know stuck with ebs
  8. He really misread that title ... 
  9. Ee is not war...
  10. Then why did he say "preparing for war"
  11. In an earlier thread of mine i suggested an EE war merc board to help both warriors n clans roster up.
  12. Why? Because they're afraid of getting hits? Or because they need to bulk up on BFA :0  ee is a joke these days
  13. Satan please leave my thread.thx
  14. Why? I'm on topic. I said ee is a joke, this gives my opinion on your idea
  15. ur build unworthy of war comments
    If u have a main at least use it if u want to be taken seriously instead of a blanket noob comment or leave threads not applicable to u.
    Your opinion is not related in any way
  16. . My build is unworthy of war comment?

    How outdated is that "respect woc" banner?

    You can't hire allies from ppl in war anyway so what's it for?
  17. About as old as ur account...a few days
    Hire away its a free market
  18. Then why do you have that banner?

  19. You can buy allies in war. Only if the owner of the ally you hire is in the war. That's why they have spells to hide allies in war.
  20. Its only a banner n issues only a heads up if i enter Primal/IWar. Ppl can buy all or none of my allies as long as not last minute n create a scramble. If inside a war n allies r bought well thats war for u n i'm fine with that. As op above said i cast a spell to hide allies if i choose.