EE plunder calc off?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Radagast, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. I've had some level of ee active for most of the past year. I was down to ee lvl1 (25%) and intentionally let it lapse to see how my plunder changed. Other plunder spells (20% prolific plunder & 9% BR) remained unchanged. At MP.

    FH with ee lvl1 on goth was 1,351M, ally bonus 1,079M.

    After lapse, FH on goth is 1,202M, ally bonus 984M.

    Seems to be about a 10-12% loss in plunder instead of 25%

  2. Each spell boosts your plunder separately and from your original plunder per hit. None of them stack.

    So with that said, you have to take the 29% plunder bonus off to actually get to the baseline plunder per hit that the ee is boosting by 25%.

    Edit: if that doesn't make sense consider this:

    I make 100mil per hit, I boost my plunder by 25%, then I make 125mil a hit.

    I then get another 25% increase so I make 150mil a hit.

    If I took that 25% off, I'd make 125mil again. Now where you're off is, 25% of 125mil is definitely not 25mil, that's because it's calculated from your base plunder per hit, 100mil.
  3. Been an hour and no response, still top 5 active topics.... hmmm, perhaps I need to ask in a different manner, one kaw users might better understand....

    I expected the girl to be 25% more scared but it seems like she's only 10% more scared...

  4. I did think of this and will look into this further. Thanks for the input. Didn't think my other two plunder spells would make that much difference.

    I understand your logic (and you could be right), but this would mean the plunder drop in actual terms (95.3M in ally plunder) represents 25% of my base plunder. Which in turn would mean my base plunder per hit is around 381M, less than half my actual earnings. I don't think the other two spells make that much difference. I think they might stack, just not sure the order.

    My 20% prolific plunder rolls off in 5 hrs, will see what it changes to then.
  5. EE5 is actually worth 25%, not 50% plunder bonus.

    I've done exact calculations for ee5, not for other ee levels but I suspect the given plunder bonus is most likely half of what is listed in all cases.

    When ee was first introduced, it applied only to plunder, not ally bonus (here I refer "true" plunder, not the combined true plunder ally bonus). Hansels complained because their hits weren't making any more gold with ee.

    Devs changed it so it applied to both plunder and ally bonus, but I suspect they reduced it by half so as not to allow huge sums of gold (a 25% bonus to both plunder and ally bonus is better than a 50% plunder bonus to only plunder no matter the build).

    I suspect they never revised the listed bonus.

    I was part of discussions with devs when ee was first introduced, I have firsthand memories of the original system and the subsequent change.
  6. Thanks golthar. Good to see your name old friend. My 20% spell ran out, interested to see what plunder drops to without it (clan running LOTL right now)

    Ally plunder per hit dropped to 831M on goth, a decrease of 150M - much greater than the drop from ee running out (even though ee was 25% vs 20% for PP). Supports theory that ee plunder calc might be off.
  7. And it appears I am correct. 9% BR spell rolled off and my ally plunder dropped another 69M to reveal my 'base' ally plunder of 763M/hit. Backing into the %'s with this new base, I confirmed that both the BR and PP spell increases were correct.

    But the EE isn't....

    Here's the math:

  8. You also have to account the plunder you make off the eb. I make 1bil a hit, but at the end of the eb i get 500mil reward, so 1.5bil a hit. Ee also increases that, too.
  9. Adding onto that ^ it may increase my 1bil a hit to 1.125bil a hit but I may also get a 625mil reward at the end which is a 25% increase in total.
  10. Rise is correct. Plunder bonuses are all based off base plunder. If you still don't believe you're making the correct amount, submit a help ticket.
  11. Yeah I don't believe that. Why would the other plunder spells be exact to the penny but not ee? All plunder spells increase plunder per hit and at the end.

    Not concerned about past lost fake gold, more interested that it appears to be a misrepresentation.
  12. You should submit a help ticket. If you're wrong, at least ask support to tell you what the 25% of the EE L1 spell is supposed to be taken from, and ask them how it works exactly. For science.
  13. Mu, the calculation is very simple, Rad went about it in a roundabout way but here's how you can check easily:

    Every build will have a base ally bonus for a given EB with no plunder spells. Call this BP (for Base Plunder).

    As Rise noted, plunder spells are additive, not multiplicative, so you add all the % bonuses together. The equation For your actual ally bonus (AB) is then:

    BP x (100+PP1+PP2+PP3...)/100=AB

    Where the PP are plunder bonuses to EBs you may have (EE, BR, Prolific plunderer, etc.) If you know your other plunder bonuses but leave your EE as a blank, you can figure out your base plunder and EE bonus by considering two sets of equations (2 equations, 2 unknowns) for two different sets of plunder spells.

    So say you hit an EB for 1b with EE3 and a 11% BR. Then you change BR and have 9% and make 980m. You have:

    BP x (100 +11 + EE3)/100=1b
    BP x (100 + 9 + EE3)/100=980m

    This is a high school math problem. You can solve for both EE3 and your Base plunder for the EB.

    I did this with real values from EBs for EE5 and it worked out to 25% exactly, not 50%. Rad's calculations for EE1 show he gets 12.5% or so instead of the expected 25%.

    EE has always been like this, it's not new. I explained some of the history behind this in my previous post, and I don't think there was intent to deceive on the part of the Devs. Perhaps they should just change the advertised bonuses to the real values so not to be accused of false advertising, or maybe they should boost EE to the promised levels...I don't know.

    But this thread is getting no attention, no one has ever really complained before, so I don't think this is a high priority item.
  14. I'll forward this on to the devs and see what comes of it :)
  15. Support for rad and golthar. If it's wrong devs no worries just make it right one way or another. We get things get missed and your all human. But let's make it right. Or explain what the issue is. Thanks... Good work rad and golthar!