EE Participation Idea- Gladiator League

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BoredSavan, Jul 22, 2013.


    OK, I think we can all agree that ee participation is dropping, and each weekend seems to have fewer new clans try. The matching continues to be a work in progress at best. The usual scenario is new clan signs up, gets beat, recruits bigger players, gets Battlegrounds, goes back to haunts...
    This idea is to allow new clans a league to war in were there may find a fairer oppurtunity to start. It's really rather simple, good news for the debate matching algorithms
    These would be one hr blitz wars with a member limit 16-20, to allow smaller clans to war together. People are more likely to try repeatedly with their home clan, n they can keep their ee level. No bfa will be used in this league, other than plunder bonus. Give your allies the day off, they can cheer u on from the sidelines. Lastly, to balance out bfe, everyone can equip one item only. Soulreaper or chestplate, your choice, but not both.
    That's it, maybe 2 wars a week on Thursday. To decrease the desire to exploit these wars, I'd have them reward half the mith of a regular estoc, still alot to a new player who has never won a war.. add any ideas, will send this to ata this week.
  2. Ooo I like the idea support !
  3. Yes just yes
  4. Up till the bfe part this had promise, the league for new clans would be a good idea though or even a tier entry system.
  5. Check out my thread. I believe our 2 ideas would merge nicely
  6. I'd like to allow more than one piece of equip, but becomes exploitable to quick. With a mace n Bracers, I can get 50 mil att bfe with 2 items. 1 item each is more equitable. U can still use all your shiny equip on Fri, sat, n Sunday
  7. I like the idea. Partly. But that won't stop rising hawks or sotra for doing that and ruining the while purpose. If you put a prestige cap on it. All they have to do is make a new clan for it and put extra people in it. The equipment cap also isn't a good idea. I like it but I don't think it will happen
  8. I can't really see anyway of making it fair. And the main problem is that war costs a lot of money where as peopkewanna make money not loose it so basically get more money involved in wars: )
  9. Ur thinkin along the right kinda lines.

    Noobs getting drawn against highly organised kick ass war clans is a colossal waste of everybody's time.
  10. I know established clans will make although clans to get in, so a prestige cap wouldn't work. Hopefully the half mith reward will discourage such exploits. The devs could also no match rising hawks reborn, if they sense an expliot.
  11. Lots of EE clans would start a "sub clan" for EE..if I couldn't war at a certain time for regular EE I would hop to subclan if they times fit my schedule or just war all of them if I could..extra mith is..extra mith is a good idea developing a tier system ..but you would see a lot of EE players clan hopping to lower tier clans to "help out"
  12. Support cause some clans can actually win instead of losing often.
  13. I support it up to the Equipment aspect. Limiting equipment is a little hard to do. Maybe just an algorythm that would equalize the bfe from both sides to make it fairer. And the half mith will help to keep bigger war clans away but won't stop it, especially if the war times are different from standard ee wars. They need to be held at the same time to keep this from happening.
  14. Everything support EXCEPT bfe.
  15. No support, someone would abuse or exploit the system. Just need a match up system that works
  16. I like the intention, though
  17. @Johnedee- holding them at the same time as other estocs is a great idea, if the deV's servers are up to the task.
  18. It's weird, I was thinking of a similar idea a few days ago.