EE not worth the price!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _J___e____m________o__________, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Between losing billions in pots and billions mith....for builds my size I'd rather go be a EB queen to become LCBC and get a higher bfa so I can contest against players in war. Even with EE I've lost more money then I've ever gained. Opinions please NO harsh noobish comments here.
  2. They do it for fun.

  3. Kidding btw... If you didn't catch the sarcasm
  4. Then do that bro... EE is just a option if u dont wanna be an EB FAIRY.
  5. War isn't about making gold, it's about winning! EB gives you plenty of gold to help fund these wars.
  6. People don't necessarily war for the EE, it is just a nice bonus they get. I know many who war for the mithril, but would like a handsome 25 % bonus. (like me)
  7. And a new era player. Start farming..pays better
  8. It isn't the best money maker but it is MUCH more exciting than an EB.

    Sure it costs a bit but I like to think of it as Fe price I pay for war.
  9. War is fun. LOL hitting eb very boring
  10. It's like multiplayer on Call of Duty...much more fun to fight other humans rather than bots
  11. War should be profitable. You just don't kill everybody then leave. "K guys awesome job no put all that gold down that ain't ours" you kidding me?! It's kingdoms at war not politicians at war!
  12. You recieve that plunder in EE% on EpicB. So suppose you get only %plunder after war and just regular on EpicB the incentive for playing EpicB would reduce and all players would sit around waiting for next war. Nobody, except noobs like me would do EpicB.
  13. The war is profitable. 40% EE reward for every hit you perform on EB's for a fortnight. If you can't recoup the investments in pots in half a day after the war, you're doing it wrong.
  14. The fact that you only have 75 bil in crappy allies might be the reason you're losing to players your size.

    Start putting 50 bil a week into allies and you'll quickly build up a decent BFA. 50 bil is easy to come buy...should be just 2-3 days of Haunts.

    Plus nobody says you have to war every week
  15. Perhaps it's done for enjoyment. You know mashing buttons on an EB is not very exciting.
  16. EE more than pays for my pots for war btw. I estimate it makes me an extra 40-50b a week. Then add the war fun factor and the mith for eq and wars are way worth the effort.
  17. If you think EE makes you lose money, either you're mad you keep losing or are stupid.

    Money > Pots > Mith
    EE is just a system that makes buying mith require effort and time and makes equipment not for eb noobs.

    I've done 14 and won 12. I've made a max of 168 mith in a single war. Purchasing mith used to be around 500m, half that, I made 83b worth of mith in one war, I don't think I lost that much in pots :lol:

    It's true you lose money in EE, if you LOSE.
    Otherwise you're making a massive profit with the bonus of mith and the plunder increase for a full week is a lot of time to make up for lost pots...while making your usual plunder per week and maybe a little extra..
  18. I agree losers do lose out too much, but I'll still war it's all good fun win or lose, always go into war expecting nothing back,it needs to be the way it is, if u lose u feel like you've lost as u should e.g loss of gold mith etc ,and winners to be rewarded for win, this system won't change if u can't afford the hit of loss don't war
  19. My clan went on a 4-5 war loss I had to pot up(200of everysingle pot) and PAY For 14 mith on every one,it was my choice and my loss ,i can deal with that