I have noticed the on-going trend of people changing their name to a BarCode, then changing back at the end of the war. Hey, if you want to be a barcode, great, be an identity less generic spineless whatever. However I think people should have to keep that name for the full week. Changing names three times a war is chicken ****. Cowardly. You get the point, if you want to be mysterious during war, be mysterious during the rest of the week too.
Think they shouldn't be allowed to change names during war. We have ours set and don't change them unless someone leaves the clan.
Don't be jealous of their war startegy... If they can afford to change names 3 times per war they may do it (Its their money that is being wasted, not yours). This "strategy" can easily be overcome if you have slightly over half of a brain.
You do realise if you block a barcode, go into settings, blocked players then you have a permanent link to that person without them even knowing right? *facepalm*
It's a strategy . Anything to give an edge. Famous war tactician Sun Tzu said "all war is based on deceit" this is just a perfect example of that being put into place. If you don't want to do it fine no one is making you, but it's not against the rules so stop complaining.