First forum post not including accidental one. I may be way off base but I believe the "mechanics" used and finalized when beta is over will become permanent mechanics for system wars and osw. Not many I've spoken to agree. Many think the beta is only being used to iron out system war changes. Could be but I doubt it. Having two sets of mechanics running concurrently has to tax the server more than a single system would. Just my opinion and interested in what others think. But I believe dtw at 20%, whatever changes are made to tower builds for ee, and all other ee changes will become new fighting system KaW wide. What say you and would you support?
Lol simple. The EE war mechs transfer to all of kaw so ko's In normal play not just ee No support other than ko's without the 15 minutes or plunder looting As that would mess up mechs completely. 15 minutes inactive due to one pin in osw or normal. I could keep targets pinned all day and little they could do without clan back up it would harm 1v1 as well as osw. Saying that I don't think two systems will be a problem as long as it only changes for estocs trials. The tower build will still function normally I hope in osw and normal pvp actions out of ET if devs feel forced to change. I understand why you would believe devs may attempt to change. Bit I think they would shoot themselves in the foot big time. Also I believe it could open up a new and very dangerous tactic many would work out and exploit very fast. Thanks for raising this question it needs to be show my there is no support for such massive change to kaw.
If EE was transferred to all kaw or "normal" kaw it could be exploited to easily. Say Player #1 has 1tril out. Player #2 KO's #1, I'm not sure about exacts but that would be a huge transfer to player #2. This would be exploited too easily, I hope this isn't applied to all of kaw.