EE Matchups: Spy stats

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MaGiC-platinum, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. I was wondering... Are spy stats weighted more or less when making EE matchups?

    My clan does EE wars and we are an all hansel clan. It seems we are getting very easy matchups and have won them all by a large margin (except our first was pretty close).

    I think that we may be getting better matchups because our spy stats are weighted less then attack stats.

    If you have any ideas on the weighting of spy's vs attack buildings, please comment!
  2. It's seems that way. Not sure if it does though.
  3. Common sense? Attack builds are generally bigger than spys. And ur clan is GUILD HANSELS .
  4. Youre last 2 matchups were only unfair because less clans participated. As more clans get thier **** together youre matchups will get harder.
  5. Deffinetly seems to favor spy builds.
  6. You're basically the 3rd person in your clan to bring this into forums
  7. Well I'm not sure of they're all guild hansels though.
  8. Yeah. We have hade many 50 vs 30. It is not fun for either clan because it usually ends in a forfeit which is no fun.
  9. No we are not all guild hansels. Some of us have bigger builds.
  10. Ask ur clanmates. They have 2 other threads aboutt this also
  11. Hansels usually have lower stats so easier match up but hit harder than attack builds the same size. Plus assassinating which is very easy for spies kills both spies and troops so that's more powerful then attack builds also the clan is ranked somewhere around 700-800 and completing 2 hour haunts most clan ranked around that on strength lb can't even complete hauntings and are usually running b2b TFO or a small epic battle and can't even complete haunting. The clan is set up to get these weaker match ups to dominate because it's guild Hansel only
  12. It's not guild hansel only maybe check before you say that over and over
  13. A pure guild hansel team is unbeatable. You can't plunder them but they can't plunder u. System cheat in essence. Attking you makes like 1m a hit while u can still plunder.
  14. Spy stats are not taken into consideration unless you have one attack building which you can drop after match up
  15. Malestone, all stats count towards match up.

    I know where you're getting that info from, that thread the devs made. They clarified that pure spies are still counted towards match up. They mean 0/0/0/0 stats are not.