EE Levels n Equipment: Which is more important?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Malestone7469, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Dear KaWers,

    As you know we have been doing The Estoc's Edge over the last few months.

    And it seems a lot are still not very sure or aware of the various EE Levels n their advantages in doing EBs.
    Most have been enamored by the EE EQuipments instead.

    Estoc's Edge Levels:

    Without EE Levels, I make about Ave 35m per hit on Hauntings = 947m full unload

    With EE Level 1, I make Ave 43m per hit on the Hauntings = 1.16b full unload
    Bcos the EE L1 gives me 25% more for Plunder n AB

    With EE Level 2, I make Ave 46m per hit on Hauntings = 1.24b full unload
    Bcos the EE L2 gives me 33% more for Plunder n AB

    EE L3 gives 40% more to Plunder n AB
    EE L4 gives 47% more to Plunder n AB

    With EE Level 5, I would be making Ave 52m per hit on Hauntings = 1.4b full unload
    Bcos the EE L5 gives me 50% more for Plunder n AB

    And you can hold on to EE Levels for 2 Glorious weeks. Making about 25B a day.

    If you win the EE war, of course you get Mithrils to purchase n enchant these wonderful items.

    For me n IMHO, the EE Levels are more important for growth.

    I seriously suggest that you go to a clan get your EE n spend gobs of time there growing.

    Choose some great clans out there to grow.
  2. Well thats an obvious idea there.. Though most just need level 1 since thats 25% right there.

    Most of the other people who join in ee is to fight and see how well there team matches up against the advasary.
  3. I hope we will do some ee this weekend
  4. Kaw took my estocs when my clan was disbanded I lost 2 levels