EE LEVEL LOSS *Not fixed*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. This is to inform you devs that your "fix" to inactives not losing their EE level hasn't been corrected.

    Check out recent war, The realm of Elysium vs zero_tolerance.

    Zero_tolerances rosters biggest member was greengiant followed by styles.

    Styles decided to be inactive and was not attacked, while greengiant had actions.


    Greengiant lost his EE levels and styles kept his. Even though he wasn't dtw/dts.

    What this means? If the enemy doesn't attack you, you keep your levels if you're inactive and your clan loses.

    Take away 1 level from styles and fix this devs...
  2. Devs plz fix ur fix :D
  3. Seriously there's are so many implications to this.

    You can go inactive and throw a match to your friends, not have them attack you, and effectively give your enemies a 1 man advantage and not losing your EE
  4. For the first time in, well ever, I agree with Troll.
  5. Was he really not dts? He has no KOs and was not KOd either. This sorta suggests he was too strong to hit anyone, where as the SH obviously was just inactive because there is no way he was dts or dtw. No way to actually know for sure if he was dts unless you were in the war.
  6. I know for a fact he wasn't dts. I was in the war on an alt.

    He is smaller than greengiant, and free giant wasn't dts to their top ssh.
  7. Greengiant*
  8. Hey guys, I'll be forwarding this to the developers to look into so they can ensure everything is working as intended. From a quick glance though, I do see that there were no actions at all taken against Styles, while there were against Greengiant.
  9. OK.

    Now can you tell us the truth version?
  10. Update: Just looked into this a bit further, and it's correct that in this case Styles having no actions taken against them, and performing no actions themselves is why they did not lose their Estoc's Edge level change. In most cases this means that the player was DTS/DTW, however, in the slim chance that no other player attempts to hit an inactive user, it's possible this may occur. Again, it's a very slim chance, and a single attempted action against this player would have resulted in their EE changing.
  11. Well thts not right. If you can be hit, you lose an EE level with your clan
  12. Or why did no one hit the inactive :lol: . It's not really a flaw in the system it's just a clan failing to hit everyone.
  13. So the kingdom that doesn't try is rewarded, n those that fight lose a level if defeated.- Sounds legit...
  14. Thanks kaw community
  15. Well so it looks like it's a legit loophole then.:.
  16. @dreamer

    Maybe he's friends with the other clan? Want to give them a 15v14 advantage?

    Real reason was he only had 2 guys in his range, while those 2 guys had 14 other targets. Odds are he won't be hit.
  17. I was offered same thing he was by one of the only two guys that could hit me but I chose to fight. so I was penalized and styles wasn't. this is too easy to manipulate
  18. Good to see another issue devs wint fix. This will be minimised if u make it a xstal or 10nobs to cast woc. They then get credited back during war this will force ppl to be active in war and use their xstals during war. This will ensure everyone warring will hv a xstal to use
  19. Once again a failure to fix hit ratios and plunder potential.

    Gg kaw