EE in its lowest form

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sinning_Saint, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Devs its just not fun anymore.. They not even fighting back! Let us use our whole clan again. Im not even apart of this war because i veiled for a guest who then veiled last minute because he changed his mind...This war is just pathetic! No offense to the clan we fighting but to not even try?! At least TRY to have some fun :(
  2. This war is goin on right now btw
  3. What? Its called Mith war at its finest.
  4. Bwhahahaha free mith
  5. Devs u thought taking away sw such as mwars away.. Thats what ee is turning into it looks like 
  6. Lol EE wars suck
  7. Tbh we had better matchups when ee first came about.. All this tinkering with the system has only made things worse an less fun
  8. We're getting pounded but were still fighting.
  9. Same thing happening in my EE 
  10. I bet forums thought they would never see the winning side complain. Well guess what! It happened :shock: :lol:
  11. Lol @Logical in wc
  12. :? What he say
  13. The best time to EE war was when it first came out. Then they added stupid crap :|
  14. Like the 60 limit cap >_€
  15. Just Sad I wasn't even trying and made 8bil plunder
  16. Well I've got to say I respect NWCB for making a statement with this. When war match-up was announced my friend said NWCB was ranked 14 and Unbeknown 13 (or something really close) but that numbers were 44 for NWCB and 60 for Unbeknown. This is an IMPOSSIBLE win for NWCB.
    Not only does 16 people mean 16 full unloads more at the start of the war to pin the other side, but also 32 more crystals potentially available for use. Wars cost at least 14 mith, plus billions in pots. That means 20+ billion would be guaranteed to be lost by each NWCB member.
    Rather than complain about these match-ups feedback should be sent to devs with recommendations on how to improve match-ups or suggestions to even the playing field when mismatched, that DO NOT include using extra crystals. Many players CANT buy crystals for one reason or another. Well.....those are my thoughts.
  17. I don't see why they didn't try that's normally a clan that gives 100% I've fought them a few times.