EE improvement idea

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Os-KinkyKandi, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Hello there forumers. 
    Last night, while trying to fall asleep I had an idea come to me. Now, like the thread name says it's about EE's. I would like to propose a new mith color up. It will return your color back to white, without waiting the full time till it wears off.
    •Cause: To be able to cast more mith spells for a better EE bonus, without being a distraction in the EE war. Most clans prefer you not to be colored, only the leaders may use.
    •The catch? It will cost 1 mithril. I think this is very reasonable.

    Thanks for taking the time to read and please tell me what you think.
    Have a good day, go get some sun, KinkyKandi.
    *Note*: Attempting pictures for the first time on iDevice. If they don't work, please disregard. :)
  2. Not bad but I like being my sexy cyan ;)
  3. It looks nice on you, too. 
  4. better idea: add your bet on war result 1-50 mith, if you will then you get double, if not then you lost everything .....
  5. @soul: wars are like gambling, although, you have to trust whom you are working with to overtop the opponent. :)
  6. Support. Because I like candy... :)
  7. I like both ideas especially souls,however op if your war command tell everyone the finishing color to cast ie cyan then they would all be the exact same Color except wc who cast say purple. Meaning its no different from you all being white
  8. Support. If you can't cast a certain colour and you do anyway, you can just return back to white. Good idea
  9. Thanks for the feedback. It applies to some clans though. Some may want you to not color up at all.