EE Hansels.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Oxyr, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. A question has been floating around, and I just can't answer it effectively.

    Do hansels in EE need 1.5m static spy defense?

    If so, why?

    If not, why?

    Please give me some good answers I'm dying to figure it out.

    I think the answer is yes they do, but my only reasoning is "well, warlor and battlegrounds and all other top EE clans have it, so we should too". But that doesn't answer the question really.

    Thanks guys 
  2. Hansels are useless leaks, they need adt not sdt
  3. There was a solid answer. Truly thought out. Thread can be locked now as all my questions have been answered in full.

    End sarcasm.
  4. Becauseit is permant defence bonus which can not change on the percentage of spys you have which is important when hiting at 5-10 percent in ee wars
  5. Explanations, at length please. I don't need a yes or no, this isn't a voting booth. I want good debate material 
  6. Junk the argument against that is that, "scouts get through anyways" why does a hansel need static, if scouts get through anyways?
  7. What is the number 1 killer of hansels in EE? Scouts. What stops scouts? BFA and BFE. What do towers do? Prevent assassinations of troops. Most hansels fight 0 troops or use hansel mechs with 0 gold out and 0 spies. So you can answer for yourself if you need towers on a hansel during EE wars. However, if your clan has a requirement, I'm sure there is a reason. Towers are great if you are trying to prevent being stolen from and if you are in OSW a lot. My personal 2 cents on towers on a hansel and not reflective of my clan's.
  8. Uh shadow sorry bro that didn't explain much. If I could answer for myself, I wouldn't have put this up. I want a good argument for making hansels lose spy power to gain spy defense. How does it help?

    Especially when the hansel against this says he "never gets assassinated"
  9. Hansels need at least 1mil SDT to protect against attack build scout bombs. This is also a measure to stop Hybrid assassination attempts and to help combat other hansels with their spies. Overall they are needed
  10. To chip this in, it will make the enemy use more spies to get through. It effectively "eats" the opposition
  11. Versa that mAkes no sense, the thing about towers is they're static, larger hansels are guaranteed going to be attacked more, and sense it's a guaranteed win they need adt, they can use sdt for Assas, but if you have good bfe max sdp, you should be fine against gh which will target them if they can't hit because they have adt
  12. EE hansels shouldn't waste sdt because there losing there main weapon. Spy attk. No matter how much sdt you got, unless their packed with trillions in allies and got their BFE is maxed, using full pots in a scout you'll get threw. Slender is right they should build adt because there a easy target to get money off of when coming out of ko or for other hansels who attack hansels.
  13. Sorry versa not enough. A full hansel with 1m static with a ton more bfa than me, barely stopped my scout at full. Was extremely easy when he emptied.

    So what really are the benefits of static on a hansel?

    What I really want answered is why do top EE clans require their hansels to have 1.5 ?
  14. What booty tickled is the main argument.

    Now if you understand that tickled, what do top tier EE clans know that we don't?? Why do they require their hansels to have 1.5??
  15. Fonzy I'm sure they req 1.5m because its a game of control, if you Assas more you control, sdt is good but on a hansel not needed because people seem
    Them as easy plunder.
  16. I just told you. It make the opponent use more spies per attempt. That's reason enough for many war clans because that means less actions
  17. Fonzy If you didn't have any sdt which you need more of  you'd get wrecked
  18. Versa is right stop jumpin on her. If the enemy gots more SDT you use more spies each action.
  19. Versa attack builds don't scout bomb tho they unload attack and sit high on spies if they can