EE for all who are not HFBC

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-FaLleN_WaRriOr-ReTurNs-_-, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. EE for Non HFBC Builds

    Welcome to my thread! Today I wanna talk about EE for the not HFBC builds. All the HFBC builds get in all the prestigious war clans while the not HFBC builds get stuck in wc until a random clan who wants to sign calls them over last minute. You not yet HFBC builds can war in my rosters from now on! I will be rostering NO TANKS!! Occasionally I will throw in 1-2 tanks for matchup and ensure a fair matchup but starting now only Mids and ps1 builds will be accepted. Follow me for an application. I will make every matchup fun and give my best for every war. I expect the same from the Warriors who join me.

    Ps: I will work on the bb codes right now
  2. Iwars, nuff said
  3. With those stats, I would war with you anyday
  4. Was this a joke? I don't get sarcasm.
  5. Lol I'm not HLBC nor HFBC and war with a very good clan
  6. Can I join?
  7. no support.i war plenty not even close to can do indy wars and also you need to grow stats b4 you do anything
  8. I have ee lvl 3, and I'm not hfbc. I'm in a clan that has a decent win/loss ratio for ee wars, and I'm not hfbc.

    Your entire argument is now invalid. (Never read the idea part if you had one)
  9. I'm looking for people that are not in war clans so all of you who say you have a war clan shut up. Please leave the thread if your just gonna hate.
  11. Not true just have to get yourself out there 
  12. I am not trying to find a war clan. I'm just asking if peeps need war and if they do then I will offer to put them in my roster if they would like so that they can war.
  13. Mm I hope my GH alt gets matched in indi against you. You're tasty looking.
  14. Unreadable red wall of text..

    What was he trying to say?
  15. Welcome to my thread! Today I wanna talk about EE for the not HFBC builds. All the HFBC builds get in all the prestigious war clans while the not HFBC builds get stuck in wc until a random clan who wants to sign calls them over last minute. You not yet HFBC builds can war in my rosters from now on! I will be rostering NO TANKS!! Occasionally I will throw in 1-2 tanks for matchup and ensure a fair matchup but starting now only Mids and ps1 builds will be accepted. Follow me for an application. I will make every matchup fun and give my best for every war. I expect the same from the Warriors who join me.
  16. Good luck to the op. However he seems to contradict himself by saying he will throw in tanks for matchup. Which is it? Are you making a non HFBC clan or are you trying to win with a favorable matchup? Hard to have both.
  17. ive never been close to build complete in any season...what i have done is always change my
    build to whatever clans were asking ps..tower requirements included..never be inactive and do a good job and you will always find yourself in a good clan
  18. If you don't get sarcasm get off the internet.
  19. I'm a mid.i want in