EE compensation

Discussion in 'Wars' started by camcamtheasian1, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. The losing side of wars always gets subject to so many bad things. Loss of a ee edge is one. To compensate for that at least make VP pay 5 to 10 mith more so losers get something out of the war. Some people say "it's a risk you take" well is it so bad of at least adding 5 to 10 mith ?

    Next is ee edge. EE edge level should not be downgraded by 1 level. It should just stay the same. What is the point of downgrading it? It might make people angry if they had we edge level 1 and it is taken away from them. Which in turn may make them not want to war. But people yet again say "it's a risk you take if you war " then at least compensate not downgrade the hard fought warrer.

    EE expiration time is a bit ridiculous. My friend had ee edge level 5 but couldn't war for a week and the next because of RL issues . Then next morning bam no more ee edge. I still feel sorry for the fella.

    What would these compensations bring to warrers and Eb players alike? It will entice more warring from warrers and new Eb players to war. Now I strongly believe that this will help with less raging and more money for devs.

    But the VP exploiters. the devs are right now looking into vp exploiters so it should be no problem. Well that's all thanks for taking time to reading this and hope I get some feedback. Have a nice day
  2. It will also mean that the system of EE becomes so overpowered you have a wave of no matches, so more VP, no loss of Edge means ridiculous drop rates and gold bonuses, and noobs getting 15 Mith a war. No support.

    If you miss a week, edge should only go down 1. Other from that part, no support.
  3. They get enough compensation as it is with VP.
  4. Won't the admins not look at no match scenarios ? If they see a rigged roster won't they not look into it? And what are the chances of whole clans not getting matched. Very unlikely
  5. Why no do you have a reason ? Also please state a reason for future forum readers
  6. Cam, quit your whining had 4 no matches last weekend.
  7. Just no. this would give perma EE spell. tho VP mith should be removed/only drop mith if you spent any. Its not a good idea at all. Sry
  8. I'm not whining just stating my opinion on this.
  9. No, it's a clan name :lol:
  10. Oh yea sub clan of no match found ? Lol rephrase that it sounded like you said I was whining
  11. No support. The only change to Estonia edge I would make is that it doesn't drop when you leave a clan. The current system is fine otherwise. Other than clans that don't cast and lose to farm tvp for with. I think if you lose a war you should get back what you spent to a Max of 14 mith.
  12. The "political correctness" of the world needs to end.

    If you lose, you shouldn't gain anything. The ways of the liberal have ruined you. No rewards for being beat.

  13. ^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Cam I would've been a grammar nazi if he said you were whining lol.
  15. Cam bro catch a grip, if you lose you lose therefore you get little except mith which is only to help make next war. At the end of the day its like saying the losers of the Superbowl should get the same as the winner's as they may quit because they lost 
  16. In war, if you lose, you die... Just be happy you're not dead...
  17. Lol what can I say . I'm sad 
  18. Personally I think if you lose you should be hunted down irl and put to death... Just to make things a tad bit more interesting....