EBs are The New Plunder War

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Aurra, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. I haven't been on kaw long enough to remember when EBs were first introduced. But while the whole current update seems to focus around the elimination of plunder wars, the focus is off EBs.

    If you think about it, EBs are like a type of pwar. You drain you troops. You get free money with no chance of retaliation. And as an added bonus you get the war tax. Just like a non forfeit plunder war.

    So I just wanted to point out that while what everyone calls pwars are now going bye bye, what about the other kind?
    Say this is a pointlesa thread. Just wanted to say to those pwar lovers and haters that people who are EB lovers already know that there's another way to make money easily.
  2. *pointless
  3. Exactly, I don't see how it's better really...
  4. i always wondered why fewer people complain about epics. they are easier and more profitable than pwars (unless you were the osf) AND they are to war as sims are to real life.

    but meh. i don't see how people that didn't start 2years ago could ever get into the mid-ranks without ebs.
  5. Well I think your a little off track op, I believe people will rave about mithril and war to get fancy colors and special, temporary upgrades.
  6. You're probably right
  7. One player doesn't get massive growth (the OSF) and it decreases illegal alts.
  8. Pwars were never good.

    EBs all the way!
  9. One of the devs goal was to stop wars from being the main income, and make it so EB's give the most money.
  10. thx guys now they will take away ebs
  11. Yes. There have ALWAYS been more EBs than Pw, because the attackers get the gold, not the OsF.
  12. If you don't like it, don't play it.
  13. Agreed with Bastion.
  14. One of the EB updates (Hopefully soon to come) will make the EB attack active members. Just be patient.
  15. Even though my alt is 5.1mil OSF. 
  16. And also bastion is right too. Also, it decreases the osfs that bot
  17. Epic battles are new as..