Ebs and stat

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *XxX_Ohuhuhuhgetitinthesexy_XxX (01), Jul 28, 2012.

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  1. I know that I'm weak but what eb earns you the most gold for hansels.
    I mean out of every eb and also what Hansel stats u recommend to be able to hit it
  2. Hmm for you lol I'll try abandon kingdom
  3. No I mean out of every eb for when im stronger
  4. Your not Hansel
  5. You are a pure spy not a Hansel.
  6. You are pure spy not hansel
  7. So what diff does hansel need a attack build
  8. Look for an eb where you get to steal a lot - Take a look at the thread by Wulf in the Strategy section of the forums.

  9. A Hansel is someone who has at least one attack building, but no more than 20% attack buildings if I'm not mistaken.
  10. Hansel = A build with a maximum of 25% attack buildings (must have at least one atk building)
    Pure Spy = Speaks for itself... Kingdom only has spy buildings
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