
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Planemaster, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. The outbreak of ebola seems to be spreading relatively quickly at the moment so what can we do? For starters, it almost got into the UK through that nurse who went onto the London Underground where its humid and your in close proximity to people. How long until a careless doctor mistakes a cold for ebola whenever the nurses come back from Africa? How long will it take for an outbreak to occur in first world, very connected countries and what kind of idiot announces "we're gonna use the measles virus to immunise against ebola" (watch "I am Legend", the one with Will Smith in to understand that.)

    Post your ideas as to what might happen.
  2. Ebola isnt dangerous dude
  3. Move this, I posted in the wrong section of the forums…
  4. Yes, Ebola, the disease that makes you bleed from your nipples isn't dangerous.
  5. So does nursing sometimes.
  6. Where to?
  7. For all the hype about ebola, not once did we see pictures of people bleeding from their eyes.

    The whole thing was a money grab for pharma corps. Now the distraction of the week is on measels. Everyone needs to pay for measel vaccines!

    Yet no one is talking about how the flu vaccine this year does not work...

    More hype, more money pits. Repeat news cycle to get more money.
  8. Did you seriously connect ebola to "i am legend" movie.... Dudeeeeee, reallyy?
  9. Well yeah.
  10. In 2009, a genetically re-engineered measles virus, originally created as a cure for cancer, mutates into a lethal strain which kills 90 percent of the population, and mutates the survivors into predatory, nocturnal "Darkseekers". Three years after the outbreak, US Army virologist Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville (Will Smith) lives in New York City as what he believes to be the last uninfected human in the world.
  11. What he said
  12. Nice copy paste. Point i was trying to make that its ridicilous to compare ebola to that movie.

    And btw op, ebola isnt as dangerous in first world due to high sanitary conditions. Outbreak in first world country wont get far. The only reason that happened in Africa is due to poor sanitary conditions and inadequate/almost nonexistent healthcare system. Let me put this in perspective. Majority of deaths caused by ebola could have been avoided if people simply washed their hands and were educated about how ebola spreads.
  13. If you took the time to read the OP before mashing your keyboard you would have realized he compared a comment made by someone about using measles to counter Ebola to the movie using measles to counter cancer.

    Oh well, not everyone can be good at everything. Comprehension isn't your thing
  14. Try telling that to the 8979 people in west Africa who have died from ebola at the latest count!!
  15. Sorry, off topic
  16. What if we were all monkeys,infected by a virus that mutated us into humans!???
  17. Some scientist said that they'd use the measles virus to immunise against ebola, its just ironic compared to i am legend
  18. Lol

    But impossible, no naturally occuring virus can create extra bodily attacents, if we look at the brain sizes between monkeys and humans then it shows that we have a larger cranial capacity.

    Viruses don't enlarge brains
  19. What if.....

    Humanity is merely a virus upon the earth?
  20. I liked the book better :)

    As for Ebola, it seemed to rise up and HYP HYPE HYPE, then died down to "Oh, yeah I've heard of it. It's dangerous."
    Unless that's just where I live. I barely hear about it anymore.