We should have an EB Up next button. Sometimes, the owner or admins aren't on and there's EBs needed. So before they leave, they can set a few EBs to start a minute after the last one ended. Owners can set 4 War Chiefs can set 3 Commanders 2 And others with EB-starting privileges can set 1 or none. The EBs can be removed from Up Next by the top 3 ranking admins. This can be a good idea for small or new clans that can't afford more admin spots. More will be posted soon!
If you don't have an active admin at all times, maybe you should disband or merge somewhere. This idea is just plain laziness.
Not related but so many clans with like little amount of members...they could merge and do bigger ebs But yeah support
It's not always possible to have an active admin at ALL times. That's ignorance. Sometimes RL gets in the way or it's a clans quiet time and the usual admins are busy. You can't expect there to be an admin on all the time. Most of the time, there will be. If it's something that is happening constantly, then yes, it's a problem. But there are occasional times when they're not on. That doesn't mean the clan should be disbanded :roll: This is just a small feature to help a clan run a little smoother. Maybe instead of 3 ebs just have 1 eb in the queue. That way admins can still be on top of what they have to do but it still allows for planning ahead in the event that no one is on.
I like it. Also would help with those situations when you decide on one and another gets started, then having to wait for the timer to forfeit.
I think it would be a wise idea, but then again u can just be not lazy and post the eb rotation in alliance announcements ...
That's pointless if there isn't an admin on to start the eb, which was the point of this thread...It's good to have it in CA but that doesn't mean the eb can be started if there isn't an admin on.