EB Test

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Estrella, Jan 6, 2012.


    Yesterday I got thinking about the permanent items that drop from the new EB's and decided I wanted to test out a theory.

    The plan was to complete the EB 'The Destroyer' and right at the end have everyone except one person leave the clan and rejoin (so they were no longer active in the battle) and see if the permanent item drop would default to the only active player remaining.

    Also, in that particular eb there is a Kings Tomb which drops (a reward of between 10-15 billion).... could it be possible that the remaining player could get both items? And what about the pots.... would they get more? This could mean that a clan of 20 could each get the perm item (plus more?) within 2 days! :shock:

    The answer to all the above is.........




    It failed :lol: . Oh well, now we know there is no way to manipulate the perm item drop in that way.

    Thanks to IIIPSYCHO_ROMEO,GlaringSunshine_,X0O4cH11O35-ThE00XO0p34cEO00mAk3r0X0X___,jammyJamJam,Moose,Bellemorte,-Mac-,Tmh,Av,Assiss,
    OutdoorTurtle,ezzen,ThighMaster,No-Lube-For-U,ShadowQueen,padawan,IlIIllIEDDIESlIIIllI,CanadianGal, RacoonsForce and 1ATE7 for spending hours doing these eb's to help me satiate my curiosity <3
  2. NOOOO! We can't manipulate the drop!?!?
  3. Tl;dr
    Saw the pretty blue text
  4. I guess that after pwars, the Devs had to make sure not to include any possible exploits.
  5. As was to be expected. Thanks for the confirmation :)
  6. Their may be. Over th course of the last three destroyers my clan has done, 5 perm items have been dropped. Every single one of those perm items have been dropped by people who were on at the time the EB ended. Coincidence? I think not
  7. *there and *the
  8. Yeah J3acon, I am actually kind of glad it didn't work.
  9. Nobody figured out the secret to the Permanent Item Drops yet? Except my clan?? We figured it out for the destroyer, not the other two yet.
  10. Many clans/people know, slayer.
  11. Then why are people still trying to 'figure' it out?
  12. The devs said, and I quote. "the perm item drop is not 'completely' random"
  13. nope, it's kinda obvious...
  14. I thought it's more like, each action is like a lottery ticket, then a random ticket is chosen. But when I look at this thread, I'm confused now :S
  15. I made a thread on how..but I told everybody I lied because my clan said don't tell quite yet :p
  16. Well, you might as well tell it here unless you want your wall to be spammed by ppl asking you to tell them how :p
  17. I'd be delighted if someone would be really nice and tell me the trick to get permanent items :D
  18. Last time I'm helping u
  19. I known slayerbobs secret  I saw it on his thread 