EB strategy question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 386noScope, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Hello guys :) rice here! Uhm.. I just have a question of which is better. Is it better to skim your attacks on an eb every regen or unload completely, wait an hour then unload again? Comment please thank you! :3
  2. Skim is always better as you make a lot more money. Although of course, it takes up a lot of time.
  3. Hmm okay and I know drops are random but if you skim could it possibly increase your random chance to get the drop?
  4. I don't think so no, every hit that you do there is a tiny chance of getting the equipment so it shouldn't increase chances.
  5. Next time I'm not sure but head on over to Question/Feedback(Topic in board index). Skimming is better, because you always get more plunder when fuller troops and it gets less and less plunder the less troops you have. Skimming is better for more plunder. Mostly if you are active for the entire eb. But if this is not the case unload and then when active again unload again.
    Question answered?
  6. EB Strategy hahaha, I think that's an Oxy Moron

    Anyways, to answer your question, Skimming as an attack build or hybrid always pays much better (with troops) where as hansels (1 attack build) first and last pay pretty much the same (as all your income is from ally bonus)

    But as for spies, skimming is always your best bet, no matter what build.

  7. Skimming does seem to increase your drop rates as well, verified by people with no life. 