EB Ratios

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. EB Ratios

    In my last thread, I talked about how to calculate EB Bonus. This one shows different EBs affect your total gold…how they relate to each other.

    Start with a workshop and a WarBeast.


    Uhhh…not that one. The Tier 1 Level 1 EB.

    Your First Hit with a workshop gives you Plunder = 5,990 and Allies Bonus = 12,877
    Now try different EBs. You’ll get the same numbers for To The Chamber or Kingdom Assault, for example. But Abandoned Kingdom, you get Plunder = 6,262 and Allies Bonus = 13,463.
    Some quick math reveals AK = (23/22) x WB. A nice, simple fraction. Check it for yourself. Do you see?


    Or take No Man’s Land. P = 6,435, AB = 13,835. It takes a little more number crunching but we soon find NML = (130/121) x WB.
    Or Destroyer. P = 6,237, AB = 13,410. D = (126/121) x WB
    As it turns out, ALL EBs can be related back to WarBeasts with nice simple fractions!


    And if all EBs are some rational multiple of WarBeasts then they are rational multiples of each other. So what follows is how each EB relates to Haunting.



    Let’s say you make $31,452,013 in Haunting and you want to know what you would make in The Viper’s Den. Simple. Consult the table…Viper’s Den pays 119/110 x Haunting so you’d make $34,025,359 give or take a smidge.

    Or suppose you make $20 mil with Ambush and dream of doing The Frozen City one day. What would your build pay in THAT EB? That requires a little manipulation but it’s easy. We know each has it’s own ratio with Haunt:
    Amb = kAMB x Haunt
    Or Haunt = Amb/ kAMB
    TFC = kTFC x Haunt
    Or TFC = (kTFC/ kAMB) x Amb
    TFC = (9/8)(24/23) x $20 mil = (27/23) x $20 mil = $23.5 mil

    It’s just that easy. A couple things I noticed along the way. 1) The devs seem to have a penchant for the number 11, and 2) City of the Dead is 666/605 x Warbeast. Coincidence???


    PS….I know this is kinda similar to my last thread on EB Bonus. I didn’t want to put these together because they are different concepts and, if you hate reading a wall of text, imagine reading a wall of math!
  2. :O nice i think... i liked the pictures
  3. Cool thread, it helped me
  4. I don't even care about ebs, i just like the pictures :D
  5. those pics make me lol. 
  6. Ooohhh... nice
  7. on a more serious note, those are really cool calculations. I'm going to do some of my own math now. This will help me plan where my alt should go.
  8. This is very informative, but I mean LOOK AT DEM PICS!
  9. Brilliant.
  10. Brilliant. This man deserves a GOLD STAR :D
  11. @cheezy he already has valiant knight. Thats better than a gold star.
  12. Thank you. This is handy information. Bump topic.
  13. Your threads need to be stickied. 
  14. Support to sticky
  15. Thanks for the support . No sticky though. These are all just little modules that I'll eventually put together in one overarching guide after I understand a little more on how the plunder curve works and test more on the spy side of the house.

    These threads are just pulling back the curtain a little bit and showing that those numbers you get back when you press a button ARE computable to some extent.

    Actually figuring out these eb relationships and eb bonus and the "hidden" assassinate numbers were easy compared to understanding the plunder from two lvl1 workshops vs. one. They don't just multiply it by 2!
  16. Really fascinating...

    I like your reverse engineering of the eb plunder mechanics, quite interesting findings. I did some tests myself, but never to such an extent to get tangible numbers.

    Just one question about your numbers: In what case are those plunder ratios to haunting valid? Because I am pretty sure that I don't get a 21/22x haunting first hit payout when hitting Warbeast at my size...
  17. What about time frame?
  18. That its so fluffy pic made me sick lol