Hello forumers, Recently I have seen a few people going on about equipment resetting on them so I thought that when a 2x drop eb promo happens (that drops aqua and inferno), there is also a 2x chance of success when enchanting equipment. First I had thought it should only be 2x success rate on the equipment from the 2x drop eb (if enchantable) but then I thought it would take a long time for the eb you need to be 2x drop. Leave your thoughts/improvements below
So, you want double drops and a double success rate with inchantments? Thst makes your odds of fully enchanting your items 400% more likely. I cannot support that. Its too much
I want the inferno to possibly destroy the new items if the fail is bad enough, but I'm sadistic that way
It is true. The devs only decide about the promos. You know, they decide when all the promos is finish. Summer, or not. Never they will make anything to the enchant.
Maybe the Devs should even the playing field,for enchanting.EE equip was made no reset with the rarity of aqua drops maybe its time for no reset or fail with the EB equip