EB Idea

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by SpiritShadow, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Greetings, my KaW friends! My goodness, it's been a LOOONG time since I've been my mega-active-forumer self.

    Sooo...several months ago I had an idea for a Demon EB Campaign seeing as in the quest system there is no mentioned Demon Leader (as opposed to goblin and ice kings). It didn't have a whole lot of support at the time and I left it alone...but I recently decided to dust it off and improve it. Would very much appreciate your thoughts.

    (This eb would be designed to be even Harder than the current Hawthorn difficulty).

    Naur, Lord of Shadow.

    Scenario One: An Ancient Evil.

    Description: A cataclysm has torn apart the land. Hundreds of villages and tens of thousands of people have vanished into smoking rifts that reek of evil. Gather your armies and investigate this catastrophe.

    Time allowance: 4 hrs.

    Phase 1/2: scout bar: 200,000.

    Phase completion: a swarm of deformed, large, winged beasts rush from the rifts, shrieking. Wicked talons and fangs extended, they rush toward your army, intent upon destroying it.

    Phase 2: Attack/Assassinate: 350,000. Bar description: The creatures vampirically regenerate themselves with the blood of your fallen soldiers. (invulnerable unless attacked using a chalice of life (not item-only-usage).

    Completion: the creatures fall to the ground, dead. Upon inspection, your men observe resemblances to modern demons. These, however, were far more powerful. Gather your armies quickly, before more arrive.

    Scenario Two: Legions of the Damned

    Hundreds of thousand of refugees flood in from all over the realm. They few that are coherent enough to communicate tell you that untold legions of immensely powerful "Shadow Demons" have ravaged the entire kingdom. Similar reports flood in from the realms of your allies. Gather your armies and defeat this threat before all is lost.

    Time allowance: 8 Hours.

    Phase 1/2: Scout bar 150K, attck/assn bar 50K.
    Description: The demons are massing to the north. Discover a safe path there and deal with any Demon scouts you encounter.

    Phase 2: With a path cleared, the Demons are vulnerable to assault. Break them quickly, before even more legions arrive.

    Item Bar: Mystical Sword Holy Wrath. (500K Hp)
    Description: The Shadow Demons are protected by eldritch armor and enchantments that your ordinary weapons cannot pierce. Find a way to destroy their defences.

    Demon Army Bar: Attck/Assn, 1.5 Million Hp.
    Description: Bring all of your might to bear against this threat.

    Completion: You have broken the back of the Demon hordes. The remaining Demons are retreating. Pursue and slay them, before they regain their numbers.

    Scenario 3: Demon Lords

    Time allowance: 12 Hrs

    A large army of demons stands their ground, guarding the retreat of the main body. Among them are 3 demons of incredible stature and power: Naur's personal bodyguards. They stand between you and Naur. You must defeat them.

    Phase 1: Demon Army Bar, Attck-Assn: 500K

    Phase 2: with their guards dead around them, the three Demon Lords stand alone before your forces, ready to take you on alone.

    (Each Demon Lord has a special ability, and 1 Million Hp)

    Demon Lord 1: (Accepting recommendations for names for these 3 guys) This Demon Lord's wounds heal almost the instant they are made. Focus all of your forces upon him.

    Demon Lord 2: "Name" possesses near omniscience, including foresight, allowing him to block, evade, or pre-emptively destroy all of your attacks. Find a way to slow his mind.

    This Demon Lord is Every bit as tricky as FOD half-awakened state. 5-minute periods on-off "God-Mode". When God Mode is off, use Mist of Confusion is to be used (unspecified amount, but very large) until action has no effect (no item bar). The Demon Lord will then be vulnerable to damage until another God-Mode period activates. Designed to take quite a while to defeat.

    Demon Lord 3 is a master of shadow. He casts complete darkness over your armies, and then proceeds to decimate them (special effect: 1/3 of your forces are massacred as they regenerate, resulting in slower regeneration). Being undetectable except by the screams of his victims. Find a way to expel his darkness and protect your forces before attacking him directly.

    Item combo: Angels of Light Canary Warning Amulet. Similar God-Mode to Demon Lord 2, but with completely random and inconsistent periods.

    Completion: With Naur's greatest captains slain, it is time to defeat this threat once and for all. Put an end to this ancient evil.

    Last scenario coming up soon, did all of this in about 30 minutes. How do you guys like so far? Lots of modifications still to be made, keep in mind. Would be happy for any feedback/recommendations.


    P.S. Once ive got this refined enough, hopefully with your support, I plan to submit this to the Devs (@anyone who says "why put this on forums, just email Devs").
  2. I have an eb idea too.

    It's called removing them.

    A lot better idea than yours likely without even reading your post.
  3. Very appropriate name. You obviously didn't read. Please stay off of my thread and try devoting your time to being a sincere person.
  4. Okay I'll stay off your thread on "TROLL".

    But I'm free to be here on this account.

    I read it now and its a terrible idea, we don't need more epic battles.

    *Tears* I'm sorry I can't baby you and say your idea is a good one. *More tears*
  5. Stay off of my thread on ALL of your accounts.
  6. Technically, you have to name the accounts by name. That's how the rules go.

    And I think this is a bad idea.

    No I am not TROLL/TR0LL from above...
  7. Whatever. However many it takes. Stay off this thread with that account as well.
  8. 150k and 200k scouting bars are way to big.


    it all sucks
  9. Note to self: Make spy bars a bit smaller.

    Thanks for your feedback, but would you mind being a little more polite. You'd be surprised, it actually feels a lot better than insulting and hating everybody in your life.
  10. Email the devs, jeez
  11. And this is in FF why...?
  12. Because I'm a fan of reading bad ideas.

    (He never specifically told me to leave thread on this account, good fight op)
  13. Why is this **** in FF?
  14. Where would you have me put it lol. In the Strategy section? 
  15. Now question for all who have commented. Who actually read the whole thing?
  16. It looks good. If the bars were lower and more time was allotted it would be a better one :p
  17. Yeah, I was just thinking that with high clans being able to do ToC (potential 250bil eb) in 30 mins then that proves that they would be able to do these. But your point is well made. Not smaller bars but maybe more time. Last one is allotted 16 hours ATM.