Hi. This is my first thread so plse no trolls. I am just wondering what you all think of asking devs to make a link inside the eb screen to that particilar eb guide. This would save clan owners and admins a lot of work (especially for growing clans) to update the Ca banner with new instructions. I dont think this subject has been raised before.
A nice new idea. Support. Please encourage yor members to explore pvp too so they get the whole kaw experience
If a guide would open with kaw could be more covienent for new clans without having to go back n forth
Oh... pretty interesting idea, strange I never saw it before. Sure, there is Wulf's thread...but there also is a useless "more info" button on that eb UI. Hmm, on a similar note: why not implement a scrollable history of the last 50 CAs? This would allow you to keep most eb CAs for future use.