EB guide link

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rowenna, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Hi. This is my first thread so plse no trolls. I am just wondering what you all think of asking devs to make a link inside the eb screen to that particilar eb guide. This would save clan owners and admins a lot of work (especially for growing clans) to update the Ca banner with new instructions. I dont think this subject has been raised before.
  2. A nice new idea. Support. Please encourage yor members to explore pvp too so they get the whole kaw experience :)
  3. Its not hard to tell someone to go to forums, and wulfs guide.
    Not needed Id say
  4. Itz not needed but nice
  5. If a guide would open with kaw could be more covienent for new clans without having to go back n forth
  6. Would be cool️support.
  7. Great idea Support
  8. Oh... pretty interesting idea, strange I never saw it before. Sure, there is Wulf's thread...but there also is a useless "more info" button on that eb UI.

    Hmm, on a similar note: why not implement a scrollable history of the last 50 CAs? This would allow you to keep most eb CAs for future use.
  9. That's an interesting idea for ca to
  10. I'd like 2x BL
  11. Lovely idea. I support it
  12. Support
  13. His thread is stickied, it's not that much work....
  14. Itd be cool. Good idea
  15. Fantastic idea Row Support
  16. Support, only because Rowenna is soooo sexy 
  17. SUPPORT brilliant idea