EB Drops

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *-Flash (01), May 29, 2013.

  1. What are all the ebs that drop items PLZ HELP
  2. Look at the strategy fourms.
  3. Haha... threads like these are the most awesomest threads ever haha. Any ways like the dude above me said go to strategy part of forum and look at e.b guide. Then look at all the other guides in that section to minimalize the amount useless threads you may otherwise create. Happy KaWing.
  4. Wulfs Grand Epic Battle guide in strategy. IT'S STICKIED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!
  5. The question was already answered 2 hours and 40 mins ago, bumping it to the top of AT with your rage answer seems unnecessary, as is this explanation is also keeping it at the top of AT, question has been answered, let it die.