eb build question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Caboose_ii, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. I'm building my kingdom for ebs, and I've seen a lot of differing opinions on what build is better. I've noticed, however, that even though my spy strength is only 1/5 my atk strength, my spies already do significantly more damage than my soldiers per unload. Wouldn't it stand to reason, then, that even if a pure attack build earned more plunder per eb, a build that has spies would allow a clan to do harder ebs and faster, making up for the difference and having other benefits like more item drops overall?
  2. ... (/_-) idk who gave you the advice that attack gets more gold, but becoming a guild hansel lets you score big.
  3. May as well put some use to this thread


  4. I usually like ur pics and gifs morik but that look pretty creepy
  5. Ok, so mouth eyes is where we'll draw the line then?
  6. Creepy... And I was just reading a thread about it; there seemed to be a lot of back and forth. So you think a spy Hansel is best for ebs?