EB Bonus Factors

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. EB Bonus Factors


    Gird your loins. What follows is a big dose of KaW Nerdiness about calculating bonuses from EBs.
    In earlier threads, I made reference to a bonus factor…a number specific to each EB that you can use to determine your bonus from attacks and steals. Why attacks and steals? Because one of the EB bonus factors applies ONLY to actions that put money directly into your coffers. There are several other factors that determine how much money you make in an EB, but this post will only focus on the factor that determines your bonus from attacks and steals.

    In the past, for your First Hit (FH), I’ve said that you should add 0.64 x FH to your FH to figure out what your First Hit is for Haunting. Too many times I’ve run across people who say “I make 30 mil when I hit Haunt but 36 mil when I hit my farm.” What they don’t take into account is that portion of the EB bonus due to their hit. Their actual FH is really 30 mil x 0.64 = 19.2 mil (assuming their clan completes Haunting and they get the bonus) is 30 mil + 19.2 mil = 49.2 mil. Haunting, in most cases, pays better than most farms. T6 may change that a little, along with the release of the new EBs. However, if you really want to know whether it’s more profitable to hit a farm or an EB, you need to know these bonus factors.


    Yeah, I know….it’s getting steamy, right? Right????
    Moving on…

    So…for haunt, I said fEB = 0.64. Actually it’s 0.636. To be more precise, it’s 0.63636. And even more precisely, it’s 0.636363636363636363636363…….get the picture? When you see repeating decimals like that, you can be sure it’s some easily determinable fraction. In this case, it is 7/11. When I first figured this out, I wanted to send the devs a Big Gulp! To figure out your bonus EXACTLY (in haunt), using 30 mil as a FH example, calculate int(7/11 x 30 mil) = int(19.090909…) = 19,090,909 (and then lop off the rest of the decimal places….don’t round up or down).

    It’s true! That’s exactly how it works. And it works no matter what your stats are.


    Now to the meat of the matter. Your bonus is determined by how much you make in an EB plus your assassinate and scout actions plus items used during the item phase. Or,

    BONUS = fEB(atk + steals) + assassinates + scouts + items

    Knowing fEB, you, you can figure out those other actions. See here, for example. The following lists the EB bonus factors for those EBs I’ve managed to get in on:


    This is just ONE of the EB factors. There is another that determines how much you make in a single attack, assassinate, scout, steal...and it shows how the payout in gold from each EB relates to all the others. SPOILER ALERT! The Frozen City makes 1.363636363636... x Haunting once you compensate for plunder curve effects. That, coupled with the 7/11 bonus, does indeed make The Frozen City the best paying EB in KaW in terms of gold. Now if it would only have a delicious item phase....

    Gratuitous kitten pic for making it this far.

  2. Sweet!!! It's not actually that complicated. I will be doing a few calculations in a minute. I make 22m ally bonus a hit on haunting and "x" reward money at the end.

    On my secret farm I can make 31m a hit, so for a eb to pay better than haunting in terms of troop attacks, "x" must be equal to or higher than 9m.
  3. Very well made thread on the mechanics here.... Now I'm tempted to make a list of how much I make off an unload from every EB
  4. great read! 
  5. @Swiftly - if you're making 22 mil per hit on haunt then the real value is 18/11 x 22 mil

    Or 36 mil. So yup. Haunt pays better than your farm.
  6. Valiant Knight wannabe. Noob:3

    Great thread bro. Seems legit ;)
  7. Good work!! 
  8. But I have to use the 7.5m attack pot sometimes on the haunting. Sometimes I don't. I've no idea why. I can do a whole few days hitting the haunting with pots and some days I have to use the 7.5m attack pot to help. So it varies.

    Thanks anyway :) I'll start to hit the haunting all the time now. I'll get some new equip or something to secure my successful actions.

    Anyone want to know the name of my secret farm? Follow me.
  9. Seems legit
  10. It makes scene nowgreat job on thread too.
  11. One of the best mechanics insight threads I've seen for a while. Very clever correlation!

    Pretty easy to calculate payouts due to att on ebs, and the effect of skimming vs full unloads. Already thinking how I could use those figures in a spreadsheet... ;)
  12. This.... this is incredible. I want to know how you figured this out.

    I can't even begin to fathom the number of hours wasted 0.0
  13. To figure it out is you hit a eb once, write down what you got, and write down what you got at the end a do the math
  14. I'm really glad there are math nerds on here to figure all this stuff out because I have no clue how he got all this 
  15. Great thread! I can't fathom how many hours you spent on this though....