Easy Guide for New Players.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Here's a quick guide for new players to help you grow your kingdom faster and explain the basics of KAW(volleying, world chat, silences ext...).I'll also show you 3 methods to earn a massive amount of gold quick to help you grow.

    Now if you've just started playing the first thing you want is a volley. Press the little speech bubble on the bottom your screen and select World chat. Now talking in World chat uses one speaker every post, so make sure you have enough. Now just type in something similar to "Hi everyone, I'm new and need a volley, I’m super active and growing" and you should be volleyed in a few minutes. Be careful not to post the same message more than 2 times in a 5 minute timeframe, that would be considered spam and you may get silenced if a moderator is lurking (watching but not posting) in world chat.

    Now what you need is a clan. Same principle as asking for a volley, just post in world chat, then if you get walled by someone who wants you in their clan, go to their clan page and press join. Wait until they either accept or reject your submission, most likely you will be accepted though. Like with posting in world chat press the speech bubble but switch to clan chat. Posting here does not require any speakers and allows you to talk to clan members and co-ordinate when warring or doing certain epic battles. Make sure to say hi to everyone when you get online, this shows your clan that your active so they don't kick you.

    Now here's 3 methods to earning between 1-6 billion quick:

    If your clan happens to be doing either of the following epic battles, following these instructions should get you a massive amount of gold within a short period of time. To hit an epic battle press either the squid, the ghost or the rock under clan in your home screen, press attack, and select your method of attack. These tricks only require the use of hitting with an item to simplify things, so when you pick your method just press item, then select the item to attack with and press attack till you have no more items, or until the attack either fails or would have no effect.

    The Haunting
    Method: item stage
    Item: seal of deflection

    By far the least expensive item ,just buying about 100 of these and hitting the item stage in the haunting should net you about 3-4 billion (if you get lucky).

    Not many clans doing the haunting would take a new player, even fewer would let you hit first on the item stage. While being the quickest way to grow, it is the hardest to do.

    No Mans land
    Method: item stage
    Item: Runes of detection

    Having a regeneration effect makes this an easy gold collector, but most clans drop the bar very quick, so making sure you hit first is essential. If your able to hit this for around 150-250 potions you will earn around 3-5 billion. Many clans do No Mans Land, but their difficult to find most of the time.

    Being almost 40 grand a potion and needing a lot of them requires a lot of gold, sometimes the volley won't be able to cover it, and in turn wastes gold. this method. Isn't the cheapest but the most reliable when doing.

    The Forgotten Ones
    Method: item stage
    Item: Bribery gem

    Most small clans do this epic battle and some will even let you take the entire bar if you ask nicely, this is by far the easiest method to do, but not the cheapest. This method is also easy to repeat again and again, if you've somehow gotten the item stages for the day.

    Requires 400 of the bribery gems and only nets around 1 billion if you’re lucky. Takes a good 10 minutes to do, so make sure players in your clan know not to touch the item stage for you.

    Now I'm sure most of what's in here is obvious to the trained veteran, but if it helps anyone, that's good enough for me, all suggestion and questions/comments are welcome.Credits go to vasilias for technical support.
  2. Who are you? You're on my friend lists, and I keep my friend list to the minimum. What's an old name?
  3. This thread is stickied i'm pretty sure.
  4. Yet another noob guide... :eek:
  5. how many of these have been made today?
  6. Hey cannon! How'd you like getting farmed bu Guild Hansel Camp? Why you reset bro?
  7. Not yet Lily but if I can get enough support I will email the devs to do so.
  8. I also may make another guide on builds if this guide has good support.
  9. Good job boys
  10. Arbiter is a guy????
  11. For some reason I always thought you were a girl...
  12. While I wish you would stay on topic so this dosent get locked altitude,why would you think that???
  13. Nice guide,support:3.
  14. Re: Is there other life in the universe discussion

    Nice but edit it. Join clan if they 10 have 500k cs atleast . Also this could do much bettr if u had the time. Explaining cs , etc.
  15. Forgot a period after locked...

    And I don't know. I think it's because you always acted like a 13 year old girl... always complaining and stuff...

    Maybe because I don't know what Arbiter is, so I assumed it's some kind of makeup or whatever...
  16. Well I don't know how to edit war(yes forgive me)and to altitude.........O_-