E3 2016

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. With E3 on its final day, I would like to see a thread about what everyone liked and hated about it.

    How do you feel about VR coming to the ps4?

    How do you feel about Microsoft's Xbox one S and Xbox one Scorpio?

    What games are you stoked about?

    Welcome, to the KaW E3 Discussion!
  2. I'm really excited about For Honor. I think that game could have some fun single player as well as multiplayer. I'm also really interested in Detroit too, having enjoyed Heavy Rain. Kojima's new game is also really intriguing, though I don't expect that to come out for a while, sadly. Also, I hope we get a really good Spider-Man game again from Insomniac. It's been a while.

    As for VR on the ps4, if they do it where it's not 100% teleportation based locomotion, I think it could be interesting. I probably won't touch it though.
  3. Halo Wars 2!!! Let's gooooooooooooooo!!!
  4. All I'm going to say is that I'm going to be so skint next year, and spend so much time in my basement... And it'll be so worth it
  5. I'm excited for VR to finally be available for a console, even if it costs just as much as the console :lol:

    I'm really excited about Skyrim Remastered! I hope it has stuff added, even though I won't mind replaying stuff!

    I think microsoft made a very dumb move announcing 2 consoles, they probably lowered sales since they told everyone there will be another new one in a little over a year.

    I haven't looked into all the games yet but I am ready to empty my wallet 5 times over!
  6. Watch dogs 2 looks sick. Despite the hate on watchdogs 1, I really enjoyed the game, replayed it like 2-3 times. Most exited for that. Other than that, crash bandicoot <3
  7. The new Destiny DLC!

    I have a 335 Hunter and i only play Hunter. I am a PvP only player so i'm excited for it.
    I'm just a little upset about the nerf on Hunters recently. Everyone had been complaining about warlock grenades being op. Nothing about hunters except maybe the shadestep and the smoke grenades. But they went ahead and nerfed every hunter subclass up the waazzzoooo! But then i go on and made a new meta build for nightstalker pvp and ended up going 39/3 in clash! The super charges in 3min and 20sec so i have shadow shot ever 1-2min now in PvP. I'm just bummed because of the nerfs they did to bladedancer.
  8. I don't get why there's going to be a Skyrim remaster, it's a fairly recent game with decent graphics.
    Besides, the next Elder Scrolls installation is slated to be released 2017(Q3)ish?
  9. Good gosh you should've seen the Facebook groups I'm in, a lot of them wanted a skyrim remaster.

    Plus, maybe Bethesda could add some new stuff also?

    And Bethesda also said there would be 2 other Major titles released before TES 6, so it may not be a 2017 game (they didn't say the 2017 part, that's just my thoughts about it)
  10. I heard a lot of good stuff about the first one, so its good to hope that the second could be even better!

    And did they announce a new Crash Bandicoot???? I haven't played one of those in forever!
  11. Console peasants getting VR :lol:

    On the PS4 it's not possible unless you wanna play the games at, 240p?

    Isn't there a PS4.5 or something like that coming out? I heard that will have a dedicated GPU with its own pool of memory (probably GDDR5), it's most likely to have AMD hardware just like the PS4/XB1.

    Other than that, i'm pretty excited for E3 :D
  12. I think it's a remaster of the first 3(?) Crash Bandicoots and not an entirely new game.
  13. Ooo! I used to play the 2nd one so much! I'm psyched!
  14. Yeah it's remastered, but still buying it. Too nostalgic
  15. Im excited for battlefield 1 and waiting for nvidia to release their next GTX titan. PCmasterrace!
    Ps4 and xbone's hardware was obsolete before the console was released. A 5 year old gpu almost doubled the 'next gen' consoles performance. Not the least bit excited for the console news
  16. Battlefield 1, Skyrim Remastered, Final fantasy 7 remastered
  17. Watchdogs 1 was okay to me, other than the story the game was extremely boring. The 2nd one has potential but they have to greatly improve upon existing features and add new things to it to keep it fun.
  18. I just want VR for DayZ and ArmA 3 tbh.
  19. What is E3
  20. I don't care