E Sports what your favorite to watch?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Towel, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Kingdom At Wars Community the e sports world has been taking off as of late an is being streamed on sites I can't name.

    How many of you watch the e sports what tour favorite team an members of that team and region they are from.

    Mine is Gangstars Sirius
    IraqiZorro, GabeVizzle and CullTheMeek
  2. Do people hang you up to dry right?
  3. This thread is bad and you should feel bad
  4. Support
  5. I was gonna make an esport thread next time i'm on computer.

    I enjoy watching League (especially TSM, TL and TIP) and CS:GO (even tho i don't play it)

    Favourite team would be TSM, Season 3 SHRC and Season 4 TL, even tho i don't like the Season 5 Roster.

    Favourite Players would be Dyrus, Wildturtle, TheOddOne, Doublelift and Uzi.
  6. Wii bowling
  7. Competative Planetside 2 gets pretty interesting to watch...
  8. When I watch eSport, I like to watch CS:GO. 1. Because it's enjoyable to watch, and 2. Is because most of the teams use strats that I try out when I'm playing CS:GO myself. My favorite team from the USA would have to be Team Liquid (Huck Fico btw) and my favorite foreign team would have to be EnvyUs because, well they got KennyS. That's like a dead give away unless you want to conform to the rest of the community an be Fnatic fans. 
  9. FNC fans are the bane of esports.
  10. Don't really play it but I enjoy watching some of the bigger dota2 tournaments

    Probably cdec and team secret would be my favourite
  11. Black ops 3? Idk lol but I like denial, optic, and complexity
  12. Tsm best team /end thread
  13. support
  14. I like watching CS:GO, because I have no life.
  16. Wouldn't that just be a group of people sitting around flicking their wrists with systematic order?
  17. I play a ton of League of Legends, I follow the LoL eSports scene pretty heavily. My favorite player was Gogoing but he has been forced out of the competitive world for now. Other players I follow include Froggen, Marin, Ssumday, Keane, Rush, Huni, sOAZ, RFLegendary, AlexIch.

    I don't particularly enjoy watching streams other than competitive games.

    I follow the Korean Starcraft II scene pretty regularly also, but I can't actually play while I'm in Korea dude to account restrictions. HerO, Dear, Rain, sOs are among my favorites. GSL just started pre-season last week and I'm super excited to see more competitive Legacy of the Void!

    Fun fact: the reason I'm in Korea at the moment is to study the culture to learn why Koreans are so insanely good at the games they play.
  18. Is this the towel :eek:
  19. Support. I have over 1000 of the point things so I got the fancy ball.