during the war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXP_3Xx_SkrIIlex_xXP_3Xx, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. So, I was reading a thread earlier about some clan banners and stuff. I wasn't much interested in that, but what I did see that seemed like a genius idea is a silence button. Now, I am going to add a twist.

    Here's my idea. When your clan signs up for an estoc edge war, and the notification pops up that war is starting, the clan chat should only be able to be spoken threw by the members of the war, meaning that when you cast, it also gives you the ability to talk once the war has casted.

    You may be asking, how will the outsiders be blocked from clan chat?

    Simple, since they don't have the recognized WoC, when they try to send a message it says "Ongoing war, unable to send your message. Please try in (however long till the war ends)"

    I think this would be a good idea to help diminish the random things said during a war in cc when you need to do roll call, or whatever may be happening.

    This is just an idea, and opinions are open! Thanks for reading
  2. except that sometimes war commanders and trackers do not participate in the war but do it from the sidelines
  3. I've never seen that before
  4. doesn't happen as often but it does occur
  5. I second that remark. I have seen à lot of trackers using their alt.
  6. Complicated. But on a related subject i think clan logos would b cool. Maybe do a silencing system where if all or a few of the admins in war (indy) press silence then it will silence him

    Also am i the only one that found it funny and ironic eagle locked a perfectly legitimate thread and told him to email devs......devs will tell him to post it in forums. Think eagle just needed his lock fix
  7. If you can't keep your CC chatter down during war that is your own problem
  8. There are several trackers who prefer warring from their phone and using an alt outside the war to track from PC. No reason to punish them for it. The only place I've ever really heard of issues arising was Indy wars anyway, and that wouldn't fix it
  9. Shouldn't the grammer be 'Do not Talk ' ???
  10. Both work :roll: And most likely he didn't make the red part of the picture
  11. Its just an idea for new war. Wasn't a set in stone addition. Just thought maybe it'd help
  12. Generally, people understand that when their clan is in war, they stand on the sidelines. Also, most war clans are now merc locations so all the members in the clan war.