Dub's Dojo Of Expression

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SYLAS, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Here is your chance to shine! Share anything you want. It can be art, something you wrote, something about yourself, just be you and hang out :) Everyone needs a place to express themselves so why not here? Ill be reading everything posted here and ill respond when i can. Be respectful and just be YOU.
  2. Ill start :)

    "The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall."

    Che Guevara

    This is my favorite quote
  3. Rub a dub dub, 3 women in a tub.
  4. 'Just be you'...

    Uses someone else's quote...
  5. "Don't be a mountain troll, be a forum troll" -Ata
  6. "Grades don't determine intelligence, they determine obedience."

    -kid in my school with 1.7 GPA

    This is my least favorite quote.
  7. I am being me. Thats my favorite quote. That tells you something about who i am...
  8. Don't let your dreams be dreams, just do it, JUST.... DO IT
  9. In the word of the late great Colonol Sanders, "I'm too drunk, to taste this chicken."
  10. "Luck is being properly prepared when an opportunity presents its self."

    Just something i heard, but its a good reminder. People complain about never being lucky but dont realize that 'luck' passed them by more than once. They never even noticed.
  11. "Life is like a box of chocolates, it doesn't last long if you're fat."
  12. Grades don't determine intelligence they determine how well the teacher teaches the subject
  13. I literally bursted out laughing at this. Just had watched Talladega Nights a couple days ago.
    Underrated post
  14. People shoudlnt be afraid of there goverment there goverment should be afraid of the people