How does this game work ? You put more into EB's , spend money and people who are less powerful , don't put as much into EB's and haven't spent a penny get a lot more drops including seals at the Haunting EB's . How do you get these drops ??
I know these are random but some seems to get them all the time , i will just keep plodding along until i get a goid drop . As for the " less powerful " comment . People who have less , land , buildings , soldiers etc
some people are lucky. some arent. the only reason i believe that seals drop from ebs is because i have seen then drop for other people.
the devs have embraced affirmative action. they want to help those at the bottom reach the middle. i fully support that. why should the people at the top complain? more people in the middle means a more competitive atmosphere for every kaw player.
What do you have against black people Larry? Are you inferring they are the only ones sensitive about race?