Drop volly u hire someone then drop them plundering there value but making them more affordable and easeir to hire by other players also they earn alot of money I tried this with a clan member and ended up doubling his value at the end
This is a very expensive way to help a person. Considering theres a 1 mil cap on hires, the amount gained by the person getting tge drop volley might be a couple dozen mil whil the cost to give that much is several hundred mil. A much better alternative is to volley a cheap ally to a high price with the player instead. Doing this you can transfer 200mil at a cost of around 240 mil. Would you rather have 20-30 mil or 200 mil - you be the judge.
It was actually a cheap ally around 100thous but I had alot of extra money so I lowered there price to 20 thous later I checked and they were 200thous and yes it is expensive but effective but wouldn't excpect or suggest people tight on cash using this method