Drop Rate idea? Enchantment Spell % increase or EE % increas

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _DITTO, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Alright Due to many people not having many success from drop rate (even with EE at times) Why not Release an Equiptment that increase drop rate % each enchantment would increase the rate of drop rate but the % could be talk through devs (as i don't want to give a outrages drop rate % idea for a full enchanted eq that increase the percent of drop rate) anyways that was my first idea than my next idea was about the reset/fail enchantment alright many HATE the reset when enchanting eq and obviouslt the fails anyways my idea from that is to come up with 2 spells that increase successful/ and prevent reset (but for a few hours 4hrs or so the first spell could be named "leprechaun" which increase enchantment by 25% (obviously devs could tweak that)succes and removes reset till the time is up would cost 50 miths for the spell the next spell could be called "leprechaun pendant" which increase drop rate by 50% and removes reset till time is up this should be at least 12hrs but mith cost of 100 (keep in mind just making this up and just a suggestion) And finally EE lvl 5 since this increases drop rate and plunder per hit Why not add more levels? (which would mean more %increase and add plunder obviously) i mean why not there are many hard working warriors out their, wouldn't hurt for that anyways that is my ideas hope this gete alot of positive feedback. (sorry for not adding Bbcodes or any grammatical errors)
  2. This could've been thought out a bit better I guess but overall it seems like a pretty good idea because they will be exclusive spells to those that do ee.
  3. I support to an extent. It would be nice but just so equipment is not given away either make it hard to get equipment that increases drop rates or make the increase minuscule ( like 0.10% increase).
  4. Having a % drop from eq, u do realize the % would be VERY small to ee %
  5. @aocfamous i do exactly why i didn't want to give out a % could be discussed with devs if this ever becomes approved by the players/devs
  6. Half support, 50% increase is too much tho.
  7. All my % can be easily tweaked as i just randomly added a % Though the main thing i am trying to point out is we need a spell that completely bypasses the reset and increase the success rate of enchantment and a Eq that could help increase drop rate to no deal with bad Drop rate like i mention people with EE lvl5 usually can't even get eq (mainly scrolls often) so either and eq that helps drop rate or higher level EE (like i mentioned many warriors have worked hard why not?)
  8. In that case support
  9. I like it but 50%? How about there is a 25/100 you will get this equip then the chance of getting equip from a different eb would raise to 45/100
  10. Due to my lack of overthinking this... all i can say is Who is tired of failed Enchantment/resets and Evil drops? I mean this is only a random suggestion this can easily be revised from someone who can put more effort than me
  11. Any more feedback to my suggestion? Please feel free to post pros and cons about this No trolls please...
  12. Support. Sick of running smoke signals for no scrolls. Hard for an ee clan to find time to run it mid season for minimal scroll drops. I agree 50% is a bit much but general concept would be nice
  13. Yup 50% seems a little to much now that i look into is but just a random % what percentages would be best if this was implemented? But also Increase In EE levels seems more reasonable since i am sure it would encourage more people to war since many would want to reach a higher EE lvl who wouldn't?
  14. Ohh well not much support any mods lock please thanks
  15. no support

    Whats the point in having equipment if everyone else has it too?
  16. It's be way to easy to enchant. No support
  17. Warriors with mith don't need the enchant spell...if they get mith equip then they know there's a chance it might fail, stop putting this on warriors! The ones who got lucky as hell got a great clan for s1
  18. The people with 150 mith won't need that eb piece, and last, the new lvls could be unfair lol
  19. No support. Fails and resets are amazing, not a bad thing even if you hate them. Equipment is EXTREMELY strong, especially in comparison to BFA that takes many many months to build up those kinds of stats.

    Inferno and aqua resets take out gold from the game, where there is an infinite supply through eb'ss. If that doesnt happen, inflation runs rampant which is never a good thing.

    These spells are too cheap anyways. The percentage would need to be so small it wouldnt be used for that price, or the prices to be increase by 15x their current cost you suggested for a larger percentage.

    Otherwise they are extremely overpowered.