Dreading Season 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. So with Season 3 looming , here at Kotfe we have always prided ourselves on being able to just war hard with our family and friends - no gimmicks. But these chaos wars are even more geared towards favouring one type of roster - the bigs/smalls roster. Match ups are getting more harder , wars more unrealistic and quite frankly arent enjoyable anymore. Some clans dont want to war with strangers , or have to recruit from wc , we just want to war as a clan together lol
    And surely theres something seriously wrong with a 3.5mil CS winning actions against an 18mil CS too?
    So even though we will carry on fighting trying different strats out ... There is a sense of dread rather than excitement about season three ... Anyone else feeling this or am I alone ?
  2. Hun if u wanna win u gotta keep up with the times
    If you wanna war for fun as a fam thats fine
    But when you war with leaky builds your not gonna win let's be honest

    Other clans might be doing great rosters and if u wanna beat em u gotta make greater ones

    Or if you can't beat their rosters, copy em 

    Good luck in s3 
  3. Stacking roster's with gh and ght is a manipulation of the system. When a 200k Atk stat gh can make it thru 1.4m after there's something wrong. Devs need to address this asap. 2 seasons of this is enough.
  4. Just make Season 3 based not on time or profit, every clan signs up and is thrown together, and forfeit as they grow weary... It'd be super entertaining. (Somehow an activity counter would have to be included as well)
  5. We in OSW we dont have time or gold to prioritise builds and rosters - thing is last season it was such a variety in rosters and clans we didnt mind the having a few bad match ups ... Lots of us still got our level 50's
    The point is , there is no variety now - its all conform or nothing, every war is the same and its pretty boring lol
  6. If you know game mechanics and builds you realise EE wars and the equipment is useless.
    Is all I will say ;)

    And I own probably the 3rd? 4th? Most winning EE clan throughout season 1 and 2.
  7. Only solution I can think of vixen is more towers..
  8. It's about organization.
  9. When your in an OSW clan your growth is slower than other clans - like i said we will fight and find different ways we had a pretty good season 2, but most of us were doing it for fun and because we wanted to war (and mithage is needed for strips lol) i dunno the fun element surpise seems to have gone out of the wars - it used to be " ooh who we got " now its "how many lb/gh" without even looking at who we warring - meh maybe thats what EE will become - only EE dedicated clans will be able to war ? Other clans need not bother ? Who knows lol
  10. EE is worthless. I could make a long ass post explaining every last detail and statistics but, nah.
  11. I like my mith though - nothing like running u/a in a strip lol no other way of getting enough to run it - EE is actually essential for mith in OSW but OSW hinders your EE - catch 22 lol
  12. Eh. Nothing a few xstalls can't make up for the no unholy aura
  13. Those xstalls u saved not doing EE, is even on a strip 
  14. Val, if you win an EE by using 2 xstals, you can turn a 24 xstal run into being worth a 36 xstal run during a strip.
  15. Is it really? Or have you forgot you only have a 50% chance if taking double gold.
  16. I just EE for the thrill of a short little skirmish. Only 1-2 a week. Easy 1 hr ones. Make a little mith on the side
  17. Yea. 50% chance of winning double gold.
    1/3 of time is double gold.
    So off three hits... Ok you take 1.33 times more gold.

    So 24 crystals is then worth 32 crystals. Still getting more than you give. Plus you are limited in amount you can take per account (meaning you can't get 32 XSTALS worth of steals taken out without the spell)
  18. Factoring in 1 xtal wars and wars lost?