Dragons of Vroengard Requests CF by The Honey Badger

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHot_Revenge, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Please stop lightin up our smaller members up badge. We like them very much, so much in fact that we wave the white flag in defeat. You have targeted our weakest link and we have finally broken after 7 long days of interclan/interbadger war. Personally, I had a nice time, although you did do a stellar job of pinning yourself. I applaud your resilience and non-ADHDness in hitting our clan members all week. Our attempts at retaliation were futile against such a formidable enemy. We have collectively decided that an apology from esteemed clan Dragons of Vroengard to TheHoneyBadger is in order (instead of paying your completely reasonable t5 bank fee). It was exorbitantly high, however, considering I get less fun and less money farming Ampheriun for a whole week. In reality, I dislike noob tears on my clean wall (they take ******* forever to delete) so farming Ampheriun is a better alternative for me personally. lol jk sometimes noob rage is funny, and I wish I could make money farming clans like u!

    Anywho, yea wez sawwies.

    PS while I was writing this apology I choked on my pride as a swallowed it in addition to screaming into a pillow to help me cope. I've never apologized for anything on the forums but I've decided to turn into an EB noob and help little clans finish their warbeasts. I figured this was a good first step toward lowering my self confidence and smothering my oversized ego until it dies. Also I wrote this on iPhone and didn't re-read it so don't hate on my grammar or spelling.
  2. Respect to you, forum apologies are gaaaaay
  3. Idk how pple do these..u will never see me apologise :p
  4. True n thx. I almost cried when I saw someone commented on it. I was kinda hoping nobody would see it
  5. It's easier apologizing for a group... Last Rights problem is that u guys don't really know how to lose lol
  6. Respect to you. It's very difficult to make a forum apology. I know i never could, so great job with that :D
  7. CF accepted. Great fight guys 
  8. We love TheHoneyBadger 
  9. That's not a problem cuz we have yet to lose
  10. Yeap that's one of mine good job