Our story begins in the peaceful kingdom of Ocea. Suddenly the kingdom is under siege from mythical creatures thought to be legends. But the Oceans have one advantage, warriors that are half-human and half-dragon.
My character is: A half dragon warrior Name:Michael Dragon_____ Looks:has dark brown hair, fair skin(for a half-dragon) wears light armor(if possible) and possibly uses a longsword(not two handed) has brown eyes and is slim Info:is a captain that is in charge of many recruits in an army wears an ornate helmet(Decorative) Change as necessary
Also make the war not involve good and bad to make it more harder to side with one faction i.e. Dragons are being forced to attk against their will and kingdom is defending itself
Yaaay Here I go... Name: Fainaura (sometimes just called Aura) Age: VERY old, but looks like 20 Gender: Female Race: The attacking creatures, more specifically a fire spirit Appearance: Has two forms. Human form; tan skin, dark brown eyes, waist-long wavy black hair, long, slender, wears an armor of fire when fighting, otherwise she wears red and black clothes. True form; her human-shape made entirely of fire, black eyes with red highlights Personality: Fiery temper (pun intended), ruthless fighter, cares for friends, loves volcanoes, dark sense of humor, prefers to fight with weapons of fire or simply fire itself, doesn't really care if they attack the kingdom or not
Name: Draco( no last name) Personality: is laid back and cocky during breaks in combat, becomes violent, protective of comrades, and tends to yell, scream, and swears in battle. Appearance: orange hair, fair skin and wears medium armor. Weapon: katana made from meteor ore with mystical powers