It's a good story but not enough Psycho in that story... I want a throne three times larger than bans but half the army
I do not have and ego lol. Now OFF WITH UTHO'S HEAD!!! Nice start to a good story. Maybe psy can be the guy who sits and stares at the mirror all day kinda want to see how it works out.
I agree with bam, Immmmmm the one with the ego in dk, so I deserve a bigger throne! mirrors are a good idea too. I domt keep mirrors around though... If I had Mirros in my house, I'd never leave
I like Chapter 3, That's a Krizak horse Utho has :lol: But I can't help but wonder that there is somethign missing... I can't quite Put my finger on it but I think it's missing something that starts with liek Psy... Has a Cho after that... than like the word 'Emperor"... yeah somethign like that.... it's still good, but coudl do with a bit more Psy :roll: