Dragon Tale 2 Feedback thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Utho (01), Jul 1, 2011.

  1. Well you know what this is for. Post DT2 related stuff here. Comments, questions etc. Enjoy!
  2. Awesome so far Utho, can't wait till the next chapter!
  3. Love it ^^ and the second chappie too ;D
  4. Finally lol! And I like the sequel! Happy birthday bro!

  5. Tay amazing
  6. So eagleking how did you like your role? Lol. Thanks all
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Thanks. I figured the good story feedback would be a good present for me too. That's I post at midnight last night.
  9. Lol I was annoying :lol:
  10. Go utho do i still b the dragon king
  11. Demon king? Nooooo....we killed them boys 496 years ago. We fighting Darkmages now
  12. Sorry I've been busy. Post a chap tomorrow
  13. Lol. Haha. Those bad boys were half tha threat. Dark mages. That old Mage that they fought. B4 the demons. Can't put the name
  14. Ok number 3 is up. Sorry it's short. I'll try for 4 by the end of the day
  15. WOO I'm York :D looking better than dt1 if that's even possible
  16. Great job, Utho!
  17. Yay great update
  18. Waz up utho I read your other story a while ago and it is amazing! And this storie is just the same! :)