Do's and Do not's KaW guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Gimli, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. This is a guide designed for the new members of KaW and will to give new players the best start possible to the game. I understand that it may take a while for new players to find the forums so not all these tips may be appropriate for you.

    First we start with some thing to do that will help you grow quickly.
    Ask for a volley in wc(if you are on pc you will have to buy a speaker with nobility).
    To grow fast it is best to join a clan running low level ebs such as forgotten ones.
    Once you are in a clan go talk in the clan chat ask for help with what you should build and what the item section of the eb you are doing is.
    Before you start hitting either the battle list or the epic battle you need allies but a few cheap ones to get you started and to test if you are at max plunder hit the eb then buy another cheap ally then hit again, keep doing this until your plunder stops increasing and you are sorted.
    If you have followed these steps then you are on your way to increasing your stats quickly.

    There are a few things that you need to remember not to do in KaW to annoy people:
    Firstly don't complain when your allies get hired when you first start out this happens all the time just remember that when they sell you get profit.
    Secondly farming someone is considered 5 hits in 24hrs, I'm not saying don't farm I'm just saying be aware of what hitting people means.
    Thirdly try to listen to the owner of your clan they are most likely a very experienced player and only want you to grow as quickly as possible.
    Finally don't create loads of new threads in the forums asking questions make sure you have a good look around the stickied threads in all the sections.

    If you any suggestions of points I should add please post below.
  2. Reserved
  3. 1) blue font wi burn peoples eyes on forums, maybe change it to purple :D
    2) it's pretty vague. Imagine you're a new player and don't know what any of these words mean you'd start thinking things like
    "What is max plunder?"
    Edit in explanations to all of your kaw terms, that'd be good :)
  4. ^

    No offense OP.
  5. I give it an A for effort though.
  6. Once newbs learn the lingo of KaW, this guide would be alright, but for someone totally new, this guide would be incredibly confusing.
  7. Decent guide. Most important thing for me is ally trading. The devs seem to have just done a mass reset and allies in the 20-100m kind of range get hired away in seconds. My brand new alt 10x'ed his money in 2 hours trading on the ally market at that price. It's great :)
  8. That's hard to read choose a different colour than blue
  9. pick firebrick! ;)