dont waste your time chaos inc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheOracle, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. I'm there suppose to be at war on their side andwe are losing badly! We have the man power but they went in blindly and now they started a war within the clan! Members gave up wanting to leave and farm them and them bad mouthing the help they asked for! I'm heading out when I can. Be warned! STAY AWAY!!!
  2. lose one war and your clan is reacting that way? so much for resilience
  3. This isnt My clan i came to help lol
  4. Really?

    You have never been in a losing war before?!?

    Look, things went south tonight but there is no need to make a thread about it. There are plenty of other clans in the same situation we are currently in. I know because I've been in them but I still fight to the end. Why? Because I made a choice to commit to the war by casting Wave of Conflict and participating in the Rancor War.

    I don't mind yoy finding another clan to war with but this thread was not needed and shows a lack of respect to your allies in this clan.
    is recruiting. No tears please. Just leave your clans and join us.
  6. YOU GUYS ARE WARRING WITH IN A WAR! i will warn others! Its not about a lose its about how you treat your guest and your lost.
  7. Little prick, little noob ass lose 1 war cause this clan is new and you noob rage. I'm losing all faith in kawers
  8. Funny theoricle has 27 successful actions and 0/6 on ko .... I'm confused about their reasoning for thread so inb4lock
  9. Again you war inside the clan you wasted my time
  10. What time? You never spent time cause you didn't do ****
  11. I would visit Girls Gone Wild....why happened to that clan?

  12. I did i just staied out of cc because you all fighted!
  13. Don't waste your time in girls gone wild either, idiot owner. ;)
  14. What*

    And I am we'll aware. ;)
  15. Well*

    About to turn off autocorrect lol
  16. NONE of the leaders showed any disrespect to the guests in our clan.

    It was the other guests who started bashing each other just because we were losing.

    The leadera did an admirable job even in the eventual face of defeat. Don't blame them for the actions of other guests who were given the chance to participate with us.

    Like I said, you may gladly find another clan to war with but this thread shows a lack of respect to other clan members who did their job and lost just as much as you did.

    Please refrain from making another thread bashing a clan which allowed you to be able to participate in war.
  17. This is embarrasing for all. *facepalm*
  18. xD post a warning to kaw and the grammer people come out.
  19. No dont blame it on just the guest lol.