I just want to inform those of us that pay money on this game what occured to me at Black Hand.. I sealed, had my pots stolen then I was kicked.. There are much better clans where they will not steal your items and kick you. No rage . its only 6dollars
Is he whining or just stating what happened? Doesn't seem very whiny to me. He not trash talking BH or demanding to be refunded.
For those of you wondering what the situation was, we let a guest in who had no clue about pot rules and got confused about the situation, and they hit his pots. Immediately following this, he posted in clan chat "you guys are (bypass)" and then after we offered to help him, he started raging and calling us names in clan chat, and at one point told our admin "(bypass) you." So we decided to kick him so he could cool down. Obviously we will not be letting him back in after this. We are not out to steal your pots, nor will we kick you after sealing. There was a mix up, we offered to help, and he escalated the situation for no reason.
Ca stated pots closed this person took second half of almost all pots.. Icomplained u kicked my alt then me not the pot theif...im just informing the kaw community. Bh was my home clan.. I was disowned for my righteous indignation. I was kick instead of the guest who comited the act. I type this so that future possible sealers and bh members are aware of what might transpire
You complained by trashing our admins, and that isn't acceptable. We were gonna help you, like I said, but you screwed up your chance by doing that.
It's perfectly safe to seal at BH. Our main focus is the event for our members and HtE is the best way to grow and collect rewards. I think everyone who has sealed here has been more then satisfied with their results OP you can't cuss out admins then expect to be helped. If you had check CA the guest was Sealing next. You could have gotten your pots back if you had just approached things differently. Maybe next time ️
Better Solution folks choose a clan and seal at home. Since the devs increased reg ebs by +50% no need for B2b HTE clans. Also if someone messes up rules simply ask them to seal when they can to payback. Clan owner & admins if your good natured and willing; one of yous or a fellow member can offer to fix issue yourself on behalf if the mistake if you believe it was a sincere mistake. I ran an HTE clan myself; it's one of the hardest type of clans to run & maintain. Sometimes kicking an offender n them looking out on the plunder and explaining the mistake to them. Then let them back in. Now Blackhand if you kicked your sealer n they lost their plunder than shame on you. If he got his plunder and was mouthy then he deserved the kick for not discussing his upset in pm and not taking a break from kaw to cool off. Simple truth only those involved know if they acting in accordance of being "a good sport" If this is a misunderstanding those involved should see if they can repair relations n move on
Guess was dropping 3 seals apologized and said he would give him a seal back. Some people just have no reasoning
:lol: bh is an hte clan let's be honest But anyone who seals there is a fool, this is not the first time this has happened at bh Many of their members are notorious for ally scamming And you should not let guests in who are unaware of clan rules. The op had every right to be mad, there was no guarantee that the guest would reimburse him. The solution would have been to kick the guest. But hey if you want to keep this quiet so you can recruit more people to seal in your non hte clan go ahead.