don't go hansel

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by AozarK, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. Since pwars are over...hansels can't make as much money unless they have an osf willing to loose money without getting it back lol
  2. Epic Battles.
  3. What a load of crap. Habsels are more valuable than ever!
  4. I'm hansel and made 8bil today.

    But on another point, it's a war game. We're not meant to get plunder easily, we're meant to war, pvp etc
  5. I make more.
  6. *hansels
  7. We can steal in two eb and use pots profitabley attk wise; you can also scout and assassinate, so your argument is invalid.
  8. point proven by three hansels. That's first hand experience there.
  9. I made 3billion in 2hours then I got 5 nobility for quests
  10. Whats a hansel 
  11. 5hansels* 
  12. the "hansel" build wasn't made for pw's so why would it die off with them?
  13. And big hansels with 1mil stats from buildings are the perfect EB build.
  14. 5...6...7 hansels! Telling you that you're wrong.

    Plus did you know one hansel can take on two attack builds, sometimes attack builds twice the size of the hansel.
  15. WHATS A HANSEL!?!?!
  16. On a full day of KaW I can make over 15bil.....
  17. @random
    Hansel is all spy with 1 attack building
  18. @inglorious, look at shifter, mooses and my stats, Nuff said.
  19. i make lots as i attack and get more reward money for assassinates with my spies. Unfortunately i do need to buy attack pots but the extra reward money more than makes up for that.